13 Reasons Why We Don't Need Another Shutdown

With 2020 coming to a close, I’m starting to see more hope for 2021. But it seems like it’s going to get worse before it gets better. And quite frankly, I’m just tired of it all.

Even though we all saw increased cases and more restrictions coming, I can’t shake the feeling that it doesn’t have to be this way.

I think I speak for a lot of people when I say dealing with this pandemic is frustrating and the politicians in charge are part of the problem. More orders are emerging as to what needs to close, what restrictions need to be put back in place and so on.

But when I was told that my family and I couldn’t get together as we used to during the holidays- it hit a nerve.


I mean I get why. But what about everything that has unfolded since this has started back in March.

A lot of progress has been made and it’s almost like the government isn’t recognizing any of it. Now it’s been over seven months since the heaviest onset of the virus and a lot has been learned and a lot has changed.

Here’s why we don’t need to shut down again (politicians pay close attention).

There has been seven months…

1) For citizens to understand the importance of social distancing and personal cleanliness.

2) For cleaning product and paper product companies to increase their production and improve their logistics to get it to consumers.

3) For supermarkets, restaurants and general supply stores to learn how to effectively deliver products to customers that prefer to stay home.

4) For the medical equipment companies to develop more ventilators.

5) For people to understand that toilet paper is not ultra- critical and hoarding products is not necessary because the world isn’t ending.

6) For the scientific community to better understand the virus.

7) For the public to see the progress of a vaccine and recognize how close it’s getting.

8) For organizations and businesses of any type to develop protective shields, protocols to promote social distancing and other safeguards for people.

9) For citizens to understand what steps they need to take if they do become symptomatic; contact tracing, quarantining, testing, and recovery.

10) For testing facilities to streamline and improve their testing process.

11) For companies to continue developing more accurate COVID tests with faster results. (jamming something up our nose isn’t the only option anymore).

12) For the scientific community to clearly define who is really ‘at-risk’ versus who will have a very high percentage of recovering.

13) For hospitals to improve logistics and operations to accommodate the higher demand of affected people that was expected.

… and a bonus one- for media outlets to understand why they shouldn’t sensationalize the pandemic and scare the s*** out of Americans purely for ratings.

There have only been two different occasions where we, as Americans, had our freedom and liberties trampled on; the Patriot Act after 9-11 and now this… COVID-19. And I’m ready to fight back.

Now understand I’m not heartless and have a lot of compassion for those that succumb to the virus. But there has been seven months for every person, company, entity, etc. to figure out what they need to do for themselves.

There is no way any restriction put in place by the government is going to stop the virus. It’s going to be around for the long term and I believe there is enough information out there that we, as Americans, should be able to move about as we choose. That is the true American way.


About the writer: Eddie Molina is the author of A Beginner’s Guide to Leadership available on Amazon. He voluntarily writes articles to keep the law enforcement and military community informed on important issues. For more information go to www.eddiemolina.com