Local Trump Supporter Gets Assaulted and Sent to the Hospital

John Sabin, from Highland Park, NJ and a loyal Trump supporter, was seriously assaulted after attending an otherwise peaceful Trump rally in nearby East Brunswick, NJ.

But no one heard about it- until now.


Michael Shapiro, a friend of the Sabin family said, “I contacted the news, but no one picked up the story.”


But that’s when I heard about it on social media. So I sat down with the Sabin family to get the full story on how John ended up in the hospital after a 911 call.

On Sunday January 17th, John and his parents attended a popular Trump rally located in East Brunswick, New Jersey after their weekly church service.

The rallies weren’t new. They have been going on every weekend for months. With Trump scheduled to leave office, the rallies have started to dwindle in attendance. But John’s devotion to Trump remained intact.

During the afternoon hours, all supporters have gone home and John and his parents were the only ones remaining. An unidentified person approached their location on the corner, waiting to cross the highway.

“The guy yelled at us, saying ‘go home, you lost, Biden won’”. Said John.

His mother Rosemary added, “The guy then stopped in the middle of the highway and started to moon us. So I told him to kiss my ass.”

The man then returned to John and his mother to find out who told him to kiss his ass.

“He had that look in his eyes like he wanted to kill someone.” Rosemary said.

At that point, John gallantly stepped in front of his mother and said I said it.

“The guy grabbed the flag from my son, broke it, then picked him up and threw him to the ground.” Rosemary continued, “Then he punched him at least 20, maybe 25 times.”

John stands at 5’11” and weighs around 240 pounds. Being able to lift that, there’s no doubt Rosemary would’ve easily been seriously injured, if not killed.

It was at this point John Sr. noticed the commotion and attempted to break it up. “The man said to me, ‘Im gonna kill you!’” By this time, several citizens attempted to break it up, others called 911.


Once other people started to get involved, the guy walked away towards a nearby parking lot, away from his original direction of travel. It was likely he was attempting to disappear into obscurity in a nearby condo complex.

The police and ambulances arrived and John was taken to a local hospital for further treatment. Luckily John suffered only minor injuries.

“The angels were protecting me when the attack was going down because I should’ve been unconscious.” John said.

It’s a miracle no one was critically injured. John’s heroics and quick thinking surely saved his mother from certain doom.

“We’re afraid to go back.” Rosemary said.

And who can blame them. They intend on following up with the case with local police as John sits home recovering.


A GoFundMe page has been created to help the small close-knit family with the hopes of easing their suffering and help with medical bills. GoFundMe Link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/dfacd-help-john-pay-medical-bills?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1

“I just want justice.” Said Rosemary.

And that’s all we can hope these days- fair and equitable justice.

The incident is still under investigation and any suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in the court of law.


Writer Eddie Molina is the author of A Beginner’s Guide to Leadership, available on Amazon and his website, www.eddiemolina.com