There’s always a proper time for an apology; this isn’t one of them

Santa Rosa, California- The police chief, Rainer Navarro, has issued an apology for a shared Facebook post. The post was a photo of a gift to the department from some of its citizens. It wasn’t a nudie poster, or a risqué photo to hang in the boys’ locker room. It wasn’t even a statue of a Confederate Army General.

Apparently, it was way worse than that. Ready? Hold onto your hats, folks.

A faction of the community that actually appreciates the police, gifted the department with a banner emblazoned with the Thin Blue Line Flag. A simple gesture just to let the boys and girls in blue know that they are appreciated.

How dare they!

Apparently, community members of the anti-police type took great offense and reached out to the supreme commander of the department who crumbled like a house of cards and quickly removed the offensive post. But, he didn’t stop there.

I’m not privy to the number of complaints about the flagrant display of what Navarro apparently has been convinced is a symbol representing something way more than in his own words, previously, “The thin blue line has always represented a way to honor the commitment we make as first responders to protect our community.”

Are the numbers of police supporters vastly outnumbered by those who view the thin blue line flag as a racist symbol of oppression? I don’t know.

But Navarro, citing, “It offended some who viewed it,” felt further the need to “sincerely” apologize for the post, adding, “We don’t want to promote these negative connotations.”

He was “swayed” by those folks offended by the gesture of support by another faction of the community. The NAACP weighed in and voiced their displeasure, which apparently left Navarro to “quail” somewhere inside the police station for his original acceptance of a sincere, heartfelt gift from law-abiding citizens.

He went on to opine the acceptance of the gift as a “mistake” adding he wanted the community to be proud of the department. And, just when you thought things couldn’t get worse, they did. He thanked them for working with the department and correcting them.

OK, enough is enough. So, this Navarro removes a thin blue line banner because some folks find it offensive? That’s his opinion, one opinion of one man. I’m going to go out on a limb and label him as more of a politician than a cop. So, this is California, the same state where another police leader proudly displayed a similar gift of a Black Lives Matter sign, unveiling it in the lobby with a small degree of fanfare. Seriously?

My question is, when did America become home to so many pussies? Navarro and bosses like him need to stick their hands down the fronts of their respective pants and upon finding a set of nuts start acting like they own a solid pair and tell these cancel - culture complainers that you have bigger fish to fry. Thanks, but no thanks. Have an argument, have a discussion if you must, but stop caving in every time you hurt someone’s feelings. It’s embarrassing. The majority of citizens want their police leaders to be tough and your actions are weak.

Navarro is just the example of the day. The brass and the politicians hide behind their authority and flex that political muscle when it’s time to fuck with the front-line cops, but are reduced to quivering Jell-O when it’s time to stick up for what is known to be right.

Or, is it just about the money and putting in time with as little push back as possible?

I know Navarro is not the kind of boss I’d want as my chief, but that’s usually what we get. They usually come in neutered and de-spined or they have a special ceremony to get the desired results.

Sometimes you get lucky and get a boss who came from the ranks. Can you imagine working for a chief and a mayor, neither of whom were pussies? Wouldn’t that be something?


Kirk Lawless is a 28 year, decorated, veteran police officer from the St Louis area. He’s a former SWAT operator, narcotics agent, homicide investigator, detective and Medal of Valor recipient. Off the job due to an up close and personal gunfight, he now concentrates on writing. He’s a patriotic warrior, artist, poet, actor, musician, and man of peace.

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