WEAPONIZING LAW ENFORCEMENT: Political Pawns in Redefining Terrorism

The continuation of the politicization of the FBI is of real concern to our republic. While all directives and investigations may or may not be as partisan as they initially appear -- no rush to judgment here -- it is clear that federal law enforcement and some of their personnel have unquestionably, of late, put themselves in the untenable position of being utilized as pawns to push certain narratives.

Isn’t it ironic that the same federal government that is critical of the operations and appearances of local law enforcement agencies born of the 10th Amendment of the Constitution has seemingly no regard for the appearance of inequities or impropriety in the course of their own operations? This leaves a black mark on the very reputation of all of law enforcement through perceived “guilt by association.”

Looking back, there are numerous examples of these federal issues, such as:

· Sworn personnel being politicized in testimony before J6 congressional hearings.

· Disingenuous criticisms of the US Border Patrol.

· FISA abuses resulting in overreach.

· Questionable investigative tactics which have resulted in apparent false “truths” being promulgated.

· Selective investigative delays and inadequate investigations.

How many Trump affiliates and supporters have found themselves to be subjects of an investigation looking for a crime while apparent obvious criminal intent, dishonesty and activity seem to go unpunished among the Democrat “political elite,” their allies and family members?

Is the newest reported investigation another political retaliatory witch hunt or a legitimate criminal investigation? The FBI has raided the Manhattan headquarters of the New York Police Department’s Sergeants Benevolent Association to execute a search warrant. The raid into the Worth Street office of the SBA, the city’s second-largest police union, with more than 10,000 active and retired sergeants, was “in connection with an ongoing investigation.” The agents also searched the home of the union's now-former president, Ed Mullins.


This raid is the latest controversy to surround Mullins, who is known for criticizing NYPD leadership and New York City Mayor de Blasio. Last year, the SBA made headlines after tweeting “How can the NYPD protect the city of NY from rioting anarchist when the Mayors object throwing daughter is one of them. Now we know why he is forbidding Mounted units to be mobilized and keeping the NYPD from doing their jobs.” Mullins is now facing an internal NYPD trial on misconduct charges related to the tweet and other social media posts—including one tweet where he called the city health commissioner a “bitch” with “blood on her hands” over face masks.

I for one am not, never have been, and will never become a “domestic terrorist” or anything of the sort, although I am likely being labeled in certain circles as one for my fierce stand on freedom and support for our Constitutional Republic and capitalist ways and for being a long-standing contrarian in other areas of thought and persuasion.

Patriotic Americans are being made into something that we are not by the current administration by simply having a more traditional view of our culture and republic. Law enforcement and our military must not allow ourselves to be weaponized or used as pawns in the unrelenting attempts at a new world order through shaming, bribery, coercion, monetary controls and punitive measures. We must stand strong, as our founding fathers surely set us up to do, against overreach and tyranny by those who should be of service to us and not be dictatorial purveyors of indoctrination, instruction and mandates.

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Joel E. Gordon is a former Field Training Officer with the Baltimore City Police Department and is a past Chief of Police for the city of Kingwood, West Virginia. He has also served as vice-chair of a multi-jurisdictional regional narcotics task force. An award winning journalist, he is author of the book Still Seeking Justice: One Officer's Story and founded the Facebook group Police Authors Seeking Justice. Look him up at stillseekingjustice.com