The Blue magazine is always honored to present new and exciting editions throughout each year as the national “independent voice of law enforcement.” Our acclaimed writers from coast to coast provide insights as only our stellar team can do. This is independent journalism and commentary at its finest by people in the know; most who have real-world front line experience to draw from. Unlike so many media sources with “progressive” agendas based more upon emotion than fact, and too often with a rush to judgment, we always keep it real.

In Blue magazine you will find frequently published commentary by our nationally known contributors such as Bernard Kerik, David Clarke, Tom Homan and Michelle Malkin along with works by equally powerful writers such as Pat Ciser, Kirk Lawless, Chris Amos, Joe Pangaro, Deon Joseph, Wes Wise, Eric Caron, Ron Camacho, Leonard Sipes, Jr., Joel Shults and so many more!

For those reading this who have not yet submitted an article of interest to law enforcement for possible publication, we are always welcoming additional contributors to become a part of our army of team members.

On the heels of my promotion to managing editor of Blue Magazine, after receiving so many accolades with statements like “law enforcement needs you,” I was reminded of the real truth ... I need law enforcement. When word slowly spread that I required hospitalization for COVID late in the year, the outpouring of care, concern, prayers and support was beyond overwhelming promoting my recovery which had been, early on, brought into question by my medical caretakers who thankfully utilized available treatments in a most effective manner. Thank you to all friends and family for your immense barrage of encouragement which in an equally large way helped propel me to overcoming what had been mistakenly believed to be my unlikely recovery.

As we move past a most difficult 2021 for so many, those of us who survived the pandemic and all of the other obstacles faced that put longevity in question, we must remain united and dedicated to the causes of freedom and justice in honor to our sisters and brothers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. By standing strong together, we can work to overcome the many forces working against us. We continue to need one another, as always, to forge ahead in a positive fashion. We will be proven to be on the right side of history, and the days of reckoning are surely just ahead. Do what is possible to stay strong, healthy and safe and remember, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”

Here’s to safety, good health, and a positive turning point in 2022 and beyond!

Joel E. Gordon
Managing Editor – The Blue Magazine