“Fact Checkers”… Working to Create False Truths?

“The remedy for speech that is false is speech that is true.” – Anthony Kennedy, Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

A false truth is something that is believed by many people to be true but is not. It is usually something that cannot be backed up with hard evidence. Facebook has stepped up what I believe is its anti-truth campaign. Sourced content that I shared was rated “false” by “Independent Fact Checkers.”

Here’s an excerpt from my posted video interview from a former Pentagon official with the Trump administration, Kash Patel, who spoke about how the Capitol riot of January 6 could have been prevented. Patel, who was chief of staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, said in a first-hand account:

“We had offered the Capitol Police, and Mayor Bowser of Washington, DC, thousands of National Guardsmen and women, two days before January 6. And they turned us down.”

“Why, on January 6, when it has now publicly been admitted by the FBI that they had information that there could possibly be a situation like that at the United States Capitol, why weren’t the Cabinet secretaries under President Trump, briefed?” Patel asked on the show Kash’s Corner, with Epoch TV.”Why didn’t the FBI put a thousand uniformed agents around the US Capitol? Where was the fence, right? These are the lackings of that led to January 6. These are the mistakes—intentional or otherwise—that led to January 6.”And if you look at the video from January 6, and they still won’t release all of it, and entire side of the Capitol, I believe it’s the south side, was totally unmanned. No police officers whatsoever, and that’s where the crowd came in through,” Patel said. “And you have to ask yourself: ‘What happened on January 6?

When asked if it could have been that there was not enough “information sharing happening.”Patel replied “I think it was not enough information sharing happening, and I think that what people now are starting to realize is that the protecting of the US Capitol on a day like January 6 is a law enforcement function. You cannot the United States military descend, and occupy, the area around the United States Capitol. It’s literally illegal.”But they can assist their law enforcement partners through a request from the mayor, or the governor, or the Capitol Police, and that’s what should have happened, and that’s what we told them they might want to consider but they flat-out rejected it—for political reasons, I believe,” Patel said.


In spite of my post of a first-hand sourced report by a senior Trump administration official, Facebook tagged my post with the following disclaimer (you be the judge):

False Information In Your Group: Joel E Gordon shared information that’s been reviewed by PolitiFact. We’ve added a notice to the post so others can see that it’s false. No proof Trump ordered 10,000 Guard Troops for Jan 6 or that Pelosi denied it.

Really? Kash Patel is going on the record as to the facts that he is aware of on a first-hand basis! Is it any wonder that President Trump is fighting back against Big Tech censorship in his historic lawsuit likely to be a huge class action with over 60,000 inquiries so far on joining the suit?

Although Big Tech giants have been hiding as private concerns, it is being alleged that these companies are clearly colluding with and working at the behest of government to limit free speech. Press Secretary Jen Psaki foolishly admitted what many had suspected for months, telling the White House pool that the administration is actively “flagging problematic posts” for social network platforms.

“This is a big issue of misinformation, specifically on the pandemic. We’ve increased disinformation research and tracking. We’re flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation,” said Psaki.

Here is the White House (probably unwittingly) bolstering President Trump’s Big Tech lawsuit, which alleges that these companies have become pseudo-government actors. What they’re doing is alleged to be a blatant violation of the First Amendment. Who determines what “disinformation” is? What happens after the person spreading this “disinformation” is identified? Why are the self-professed “fact checkers” selectively silent on President Biden’s recent claim that he used to drive an 18-wheeler truck — with the White House only able to show he was once a passenger in one!

President Trump: ‘We must decide that we will not stop, we will not rest until our American heritage of freedom, liberty and justice is once again safe and secure.’

So I join in challenging Facebook and others to continue to censor myself, many in our law enforcement community and others for the social media’s own biased and sometimes provably inaccurate or off base "fact-checking." Perhaps before further enlarging the base of potential participants in the Donald Trump-led class action lawsuit Big Tech would like to make an offer for our settlements now while agreeing to cease and desist from these reckless behaviors?

Joel E. Gordon is a former Field Training Officer with the Baltimore City Police Department and is a past Chief of Police for the city of Kingwood, West Virginia. He has also served as vice-chair of a multi-jurisdictional regional narcotics task force. An award winning journalist, he is author of the book Still Seeking Justice: One Officer's Story and founded the Facebook group Police Authors Seeking Justice. Look him up at stillseekingjustice.com