By: Joel E. Gordon

Was this a leak or a planned course of act of insurrection toward the authority and sanctity of the United States Supreme Court?

The recent “leak” on the draft opinion on an abortion case which is reported to be a repudiation of Roe versus Wade is unprecedented. SCOTUS Chief John Roberts responded with a statement:

The Marshal of the United States Supreme Court heads the United States Supreme Court Police, a security police service answerable to the court itself rather than to the president or attorney general. It handles security for the Supreme Court building and for the justices personally. Is the Chief Justice distrustful of the president, the attorney general or the Department of Justice and its FBI?

President Biden’s response is telling where he says in part “…if the Court does overturn Roe, it will fall on our nation’s elected officials at all levels of government to protect a woman’s right to choose. And it will fall on voters to elect pro-choice officials this November. At the federal level, we will need more pro-choice Senators and a pro-choice majority in the House to adopt legislation that codifies Roe.”

My Body My Choice?

Interestingly, it has been said that when Joe Biden's COVID mandates were enacted he must have known there was no more "my body, my choice" and that progressive gender identity beliefs would negate the abortion issue to be strictly one of “women” with newfound identifiers and pronouns. Perhaps the contention that the COVID jabs are different because they are for the common good would be valid if the inoculations prevented COVID or its spread but they have been proven they do not.

Senator Joe Biden voted to allow States to overturn Roe vs. Wade until he voted against it. Which way are his advisors telling him the wind is blowing today? This is more about federal v. state power, than the legality of abortion itself. Some states will allow for abortion, some will have restrictions and some will outlaw if the “leaked” ruling stands. 

Is it the hope of the president’s party that by utilizing this wedge issue that it will help boost progressive liberal voter turnout in an attempt to stem the tide of a Republican conservative landslide in the upcoming congressional mid-term election? It appears that is their goal because from where I sit they have little else.

Joel E. Gordon is a former Field Training Officer with the Baltimore City Police Department and is a past Chief of Police for the city of Kingwood, West Virginia. He has also served as vice-chair of a multi-jurisdictional regional narcotics task force. An award winning journalist, he is author of the book Still Seeking Justice: One Officer's Story and founded the Facebook group Police Authors Seeking Justice. Look him up at stillseekingjustice.com