Trump: The President We Need. He Fights For Us, Let's Fight for Him.



Countless Police Unions across the country are endorsing Donald Trump for re-election. Love him or hate him, Donald J. Trump is certainly a phenomenon. Have you ever seen a United States president who draws crowds like a rock star? His detractors call his followers a “cult’ in an attempt to diminish his role, and what he means to the American people. Hated by the left, simply because there’s an R after his name, and hated by politicians on both sides of the aisle in 2016 because he wasn’t one of them. Trump is truly a man of the people who speaks in the vernacular, and doesn’t rely on focus groups to answer a question.

Here’s an NYC businessman that came out of nowhere as he came down the escalator with his beautiful, “urbane” wife, Melania. Trump’s been called a fool, a dummy, and more recently, a clown by Joe Biden in the first presidential debate. Sounds like juvenile name calling when someone gets beat at their own game and can’t make a solid argument to counter his successes. In 2016, Trump totally rolled over a dozen Republican candidates in the presidential primaries. This in itself infuriated the powerful GOP who couldn’t understand how someone who never even ran for dog catcher, outmaneuvered them. Donald Trump then beat the polls and beat the DNC anointed one, rattling political circles around the world. The crushing defeat made Hillary an extremely angry and vindictive foe; hence, the phony “Steele dossier” to frame our great president, while it was she who was actually colluding with the Russians. The powerful Democratic Party was in shambles it seemed, as millions of progressives across the country crumbled in self-destructive agony. Countless politicians, Hollywood celebrities and late-night talk show hosts that guaranteed his defeat at the hands of Hillary were now “eating crow.” What an amazing American success story!


So how did this man do it? He had a simple message; Make America Great Again! Republicans, along with other conservatives, and so many in the military and law enforcement from both parties, viewed the Obama administration as weak, and Trump new it. Obama, once elected, went on his “apology tour” and even bowed to the Saudi king. “Fast and Furious” was a disaster and got many people killed, including a U.S. Border Patrol Agent. Obama drew the famous “Red Line” in Syria, that the Syrians laughed at. Iran captured one of our Navy vessels in the Gulf of Oman, and Obama had his then-Secretary of State John Kerry apologize to the Iranians. Obama was feckless against ISIS while calling them a “JV” team, and made our military look weak. However, the weakest time in Obama’s presidency was his, and Hillary’s, inaction in Benghazi on 9/11/12. Joe Biden? He was even weaker than Obama while in the situation room, he advised his boss against the Osama bin Laden raid executed by our Navy SEALS. Making matters worse, Biden later “outed” SEAL Team 6 on national TV, putting an al Qaida target on their backs. Every past president I can think of would’ve given the green light to take out the architect of 9/11, except for Joe.

Barack Obama had absolutely no love for law enforcement and seemed to throw us under the bus at every turn. Under Obama’s watch, five police officers in Dallas were gunned down during riots there; does anybody really think that Biden will support us any better? Democrat politicians constantly told police officers in our cities to stand down and give the rioters some room, thereby tying the hands of our police and destroying morale across the country. Trayvon Martin was shot dead in Florida by a neighborhood watchman and somehow Democrats made villains of police officers as a result. Congressional Democrats stood up with their hands raised pushing the phony “Hands up, don’t shoot” narrative in Ferguson. Juxtapose Obama-Biden shortcomings with the successes of the Trump Administration and the choice is clear this election cycle.

Trump rebuilt the military, defeated ISIS, and took out their leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (Only small remnants of the Caliphate are left, mostly in Africa).

Trump ordered the strike that took out the Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, who was described by many as a global terrorist.

Trump stands up for our Second Amendment, where Biden and “The Squad” want to take away our guns. In the wake of the BLM/Antifa riots, by the way, law-abiding citizens are purchasing guns in record numbers.

Trump stands with law enforcement, and over the next 4 years will help us restore our honor. Biden will only be a puppet of the left, and allow Democrats pulling the strings to continue their demonization of our great American institutions.

And judges? Liberal judges are killing us all across America! Trump needs four more years to appoint more conservative judges that follow the constitution and not “legislate” from the bench! He’s appointed over 170 so far.

We, LEOs across the country, are a big voting block and also have the ability to influence many voters around us. Whether family, friends, or anyone else who will listen, drive home the need to VOTE REPUBLICAN across the board as we all need to fight against the liberal agenda and sanctuary cities. We need stricter gun laws and harsher sentences for people who use guns during the commission of a crime. We need to take back the House and retire many anti-cop Democrats who continue to spread hate and fallacies about what we do and who we are.

Did you know that President Trump wants the death penalty for cop killers? I’m definitely on board with that! Do you know that he brought back the program giving us surplus military equipment that Obama quashed, in order to keep us safer? He released over $600 million in equipment since bringing back the program, and is spending $29 million on training for us to use it efficiently.

The Democrat/socialist anti-police rhetoric is over the top! Bernie Sanders told a black audience to “respect police officers during a motor vehicle stop, so you don’t get shot in the back of the head.” WTF? And Joe Biden told a black girl recently, that, “Cops don’t pull over white girls” so they have nothing to fear. Did this guy miss his medication or something? We’ve been pulling over “lead footed” white girls for years!

I truly believe that after November 3rd, Donald J. Trump will continue to help us even more, with no concern any longer of re-election. Trump, like us, doesn’t see black and white, only right and wrong. And please give him the Senate and House, to help him, help America. Stay safe!


Pat Ciser is a retired lieutenant from the Clifton Police Department, and a 7th Degree Black Belt. He was a member of 5 U.S. Karate Teams, winning gold medals in South America and Europe. He is the Author of BUDO and the BADGE; Exploits of a Jersey Cop (, and is a guest writer for Official Karate Magazine.