Operation Russian Roulette

By: Eric Caron


 Black Lives Matter (BLM) posters are now hanging inside each city police station in San Francisco; in Austin, Texas, the mayor has suggested turning a police station into a BLM welcome center and in Providence, Rhode Island the mayor ordered the removal of the city flag while he raised the BLM flag at a public safety building. “Peaceful protesters,” many armed with weapons, shout a chant often heard in Iran, “Death to America.”   Violent crime is sweeping America and since January 2020, 186 police officers have been killed in the line of duty, standing between good and evil just as demonstrated on Sept 11, 2001.  Many politicians have begun alienating and demonizing LEOs within their communities, calling their own police forces “white supremacist institutions” before trying to dismantle them.  Unfortunately, for some officers, the psychological stress is too much. Blue H.E.L.P., an organization that offers comfort and honor to families of officers who have been lost to suicide, report 120 deaths to date, and 228 last year.  

 These “new normal” daily assaults on inner-city police officers by domestic terror groups such as BLM and ANTIFA, and these hypocritical politicians who openly disrespect and regularly expose our police officers to unnecessary risks in policing, have caused thousands of officers to retire or resign. Is this but the first step in the goal of these anarchist and liberal politicians?  

On Sept. 2, 2020, at 11 p.m., I watched as rioters and agitators in Washington, D.C. surrounded a police station and heard a chant to officers, “Take off the uniform, take off the uniform.”  Is it only a matter of time before BLM and Antifa members are welcomed and infiltrate the ranks of police departments at the demands of liberal politicians and the approval of progressives everywhere?  I believe we must take these domestic terrorists at their word; they want to wear the uniform, the badge and the guns ... the second and final step by BLM in hijacking the major cities of America.

We must not allow politicians to politicize our police. Our recruitment and hiring standards must be kept high, not lowered to allow persons associated directly or indirectly with criminal or domestic terror groups to infiltrate our law enforcement agencies. Police chiefs must now oppose political pressure to allow outside threats to enter their departments and become “insider threats.” The impacts will be devastating to our cities and country. I applauded the recent resignation of Seattle’s first female Black police chief, who said her resignation was about the, “overarching lack of respect for the officers, the men and women who work so hard, day in and day out” and the politicians’ decision to reduce the department by 100 officers. 

The number one job of our elected officials is to keep us safe but many, mostly Democrats, in America’s big cities have not!  We learned tragically on Sept. 11, 2001, that political correctness has no place in public safety and national security. 

While liberal politicians have conspired with the liberal media outlets and progressive organizations to overthrow America, “Operation Russian Roulette” is a deadly game being played with our lives. Many people including the president and myself have been victims of this overt operation, and countless have died including police officers who represent our core values and beliefs. 

Operation Russian Roulette is focused on brainwashing the American population into believing we are a racist apartheid country. Standing for the American flag and supporting law enforcement is seen as offensive, and your decision to not wear a mask is un-American and a criminal offense. This disinformation campaign is a distraction to the American people from the real threats to our civilization. Many are unaware they are even playing this deadly game.

Our liberal politicians and their cohorts have individual bullets loaded with socialist ideologies, criminals and terrorists on a table. We are told to load one bullet into an individual chamber within the cylinder of a revolver, and we even agree to spin the cylinder unaware of which deadly bullet potentially awaits us. The liberal politicians then actually hold the “weapon” to our temples, and tell us to pull the trigger. Look no further than the war zone of Chicago with 611 homicides to date.


Operation Russian Roulette has proven very successful in just these last six months. What was wrong is now right, and America could lose this deadly game!

Sir Winston Churchill, one of the most widely revered and iconic leaders in world history said it best: “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on.”

Stand up, America and support the men and women in uniform or they will continue to take theirs off for good, and their replacements ... could just be ... BLM members.

Stay “Switched On” America!