We Remember Police Officer Danny Faulkner 4699: EOW 12/9/1981

By Kirk Lawless

There are two names I hate to see in print, Wesley Cook (AKA Mumia Abu-Jamal) and Colin Kaepernick.

Daniel Faulkner.jpg

Colin Kaepernick, former football player-turned-political-activist is getting attention again with his racist, rabid, anti-police agenda, by calling for the release of Cook, a convicted cop killer. Why anybody gives Kaepernick any press is beyond my comprehension. To me, he is nothing more than an un-wiped ass (and anyone who knows me knows I would say that to his face). 

I try not to use Cook’s made-up name. I suppose it makes him a more colorful and exotic figure to rally behind and I will deny him that pleasure.

Let’s start with Wesley Cook, convicted murderer. On 9 December 1981 at 3:55 p.m., near the intersection of 13th and Locust, Philadelphia Police Officer Danny Faulkner, badge 4699, curbed a vehicle driven by William Cook, Wesley’s brother. The roadside encounter turned physical and Wesley, then a cabdriver, exited his cab and went to the aid of his brother, (as brothers often do). This was not a normal intervention. He did not try to separate his brother from Police Officer Danny Faulkner or attempt to calm the situation. He could have joined the physical melee in an attempt to help his brother get away. 

Instead, Cook ran up on the scene, produced a five-shot Charter Arms revolver, and shot Faulkner in the back four times. Danny Faulkner was able to return fire, striking Wesley Cook in the abdomen. As Faulkner fell to the cold, cruel Philadelphia sidewalk, Cook stood over him and fired his fifth and final round into the face of the young officer, killing him. Cook had just made Maureen Faulkner a police widow, and himself a cop killer. Cook also collapsed on the sidewalk near the young officer’s body. Faulkner’s bullet, while not finishing off Cook, kept him from escaping, and he was arrested where responding officers found him. Cook was wearing an empty shoulder holster. The revolver used to execute the young police officer (who was just twelve days shy of turning 26), was recovered near Cook. There is, as we say, a P.S. regarding this revolver that contained five spent shell casings: It was registered to Wesley Cook.

Ironically, this article was delivered to the editor on what would be the 39th anniversary of the murder of Faulkner. I remember this murder and will never forget it. Nor will Maureen Faulkner forget being robbed of her young husband, nor Danny’s police family, another void in their roster to be filled, but never replaced.

There is more to Cook than he was “just a cabdriver, who happened to see his brother fighting with a police officer and got involved.” He was a member of The Black Panther Party (BPP) and had been recruited into the terrorist organization at the age of 14. The BPP was responsible for the murders of some 35 police officers nationwide and the injuries of many more. Cook was born in 1954 and was close in age to the police officer he killed. He was indoctrinated in the BPP mantra of hate and racism, particularly when it involved the police, especially white police officers, but it did not discriminate. They had proven their willingness to erase black officers with equal zeal.

I hope Colin Kaepernick reads this, so he can learn some things about his newly discovered “victim of the system and political prisoner,” Wesley Cook. Note the lack of the words alleged or allegedly. There will be none of that. Why? Because, he did it! He is a murderer. A racially mixed jury convicted Cook. That same diverse jury handed down his death sentence and it didn’t take them long to reach that decision. The good people of Philadelphia had weighed the evidence, and sentenced Cook to die for the murder of Police Officer Danny Faulkner.

Oh, how the word spread about this “brilliant man, who was wrongly convicted of this terrible crime,” and now languishing on death row, a political prisoner. Folks of “celebrity” status rallied behind him. Liberal Hollywood types chanting “Free Mumia” because all the “cool kids” were doing it became all the rage. Money poured in from around the globe to support this murdering cop-killing savage, including some folks from the East Coast who make over-priced ice cream. It was a good marketing strategy. The support of a business openly promoting a cop-killer sold lots of ice cream to lots of liberal under-informed fools. It’s doubtful that the folks in Hollywood were making bank by supporting this POS, but it provided them with a little face time.

It did promote Cook to instant celebrity status. Publishers clawed at the door of his cell on death row to publish his books. He was allowed to broadcast radio shows from prison. He was invited to give a commencement address to graduating students from a high-dollar university. Thankfully, opposing students excused themselves from the ceremony or turned their backs to the speakers to express their disdain. Can you imagine, a convicted cop-killer speaking at a college graduation. What sort of wisdom could a murderer give to new graduates? “Get jobs. Don’t murder anyone. Eat your ice cream!”

Cook, with the support of his followers, continued to appeal his death sentence (he had nothing but time) and in 2011 now age 57, his wish being granted, he was released from his cell on death row and his sentence was commuted to life without parole. But his situation had some loose strings. A death appeal would mean a new trial. Memories faded, witnesses died, and the hellish nightmare would have to be played out again for Maureen Faulkner and the rest of Danny’s family at a new trial. The District Attorney Larry Krasner approached Maureen Faulkner with a compromise. If she agreed to life in prison without parole (meaning Cook would die in prison) they could avoid a lengthy trial that would probably have had the same results. Maureen Faulkner agreed and it appeared as though “that was that,” but apparently, not so. Krasner did the ultimate double-cross and has helped set the stage for Cook to get a new trial. 

Enter Colin Kaepernick, born in 1987, nearly six years after Danny Faulkner’s murder. Now Colin thinks Cook should get a new trial, and the papers let him talk about the “injustices,” the murderer has endured. Cook has successfully sued the department of corrections because he claimed he received inadequate medical care while in custody. He also sued and won the case that allows him to make money from the sales of books, interviews, so yeah, let’s talk about the injustice.

Cook is now 66. Danny Faulkner should be retired off the job, but instead he’s dead, and has been dead longer than he was alive. 

Colin Kaepernick has proven himself to be a racist, cop-hater. He played a big part in all the racial turmoil since he “took a knee.” He has blood on his hands, police blood, and that includes (after the fact) the blood of Police Officer Daniel Faulkner Badge 4699 EOW 9 December 1981. 

If Cook gets a new trial, I hope he gets the death penalty again and they fast track it and I get to see it. I’ll be in the front row with popcorn. 

Colin could redeem himself if he’d start to use some common sense and throw in behind a worthy cause (or causes) instead of getting my brothers and sisters shot and killed. If he’d like to discuss this issue with me in person, I’ll gladly make myself available. I’m easy to find.