Gotham has Fallen to the Joker: AKA deBozo the destroyer of New York City

Have you ever seen the Oscar-winning performance of Heath Ledger in “The Dark Knight?” Brilliant performance. But did you ever think that you’d witness such anarchy in New York City, aka Gotham, as depicted in the movie? Today, criminals and anarchists terrorize America’s greatest city with tacit approval of the feckless Democrats who are charged with protecting us all. If politicians are going to pick a side, shouldn’t they be picking the side of law and order? The Black Lives Matter organization, Antifa (anti-fascists who are actually fascists) and even some leftovers from the Occupy Wall Street crowd appear to have joined forces while capitalizing on a single event that polarized the country. Add to this Trump Derangement Syndrome and a complicit media, and you have a powder-keg explosion that has little to do anymore with the ex-con George Floyd’s death and much to do with President Trump’s re-election and Marxist ideals.


Over the years, politicians and the media have essentially stood up for law and order. Even Joe Biden was for law and order years ago when he supported the crime bill. However over time things have changed drastically. Why? We can trace it back to the anti-government hippies of the ‘60s and ‘70s as they became many of our college professors. These were the college campus protesters who openly burned their draft cards during their anti-government protests in the era of Woodstock. Some fled to Canada to avoid the draft but were later pardoned by Jimmy Carter. The proletariat class returning from Vietnam became, for the most part, our silent majority that broke their ass, paid their taxes, and sent their kids off to school. Little did they realize the danger as universities were slowly eroding our First Amendment. Group-think took hold as conservative speakers were increasingly banned. Over the decades our children were taught our founders, country, military, and capitalism are evil destructive forces in the world — that America in 2020 is the same racist nation it was in 1968.

Unfortunately, young people today aren’t old enough to compare the last 50 years and think it through. The unprecedented success of countless black millionaires, attorneys, judges, doctors, actors, and politicians today, including a black president who was elected twice by a white majority demonstrates this absurdity. They simply disregard the progress that we’ve made through affirmative action, pouring millions into black communities, and other programs in the last 50 years. President Trump has done more for the black community than any president since Republican Abraham Lincoln.

But facts be damned in our “sound bite” society. Hell, do you realize that the “racist” NYPD is comprised of 60% minorities? How many black higher echelons do we see in news reports every day, from every big city in America? So many of our youth over the years have been indoctrinated with socialism, Marxism, principles of communism, and blatant lies in an effort to divide our nation. Many progressive universities pushed the teachings of authors like Saul Alinsky and Margaret Sanger, a known racist who was admired by Hillary Clinton. As a result, some of these brainwashed students became our Democrat-socialist politicians. Every Democratic-controlled city in our nation, has been run into the ground for decades.


And this brings me to Warren Wilhelm Jr. aka Bill de Blasio. Many see him as a closet communist/Marxist as he backed the Sandinista government in his younger years, and even joined the Nicaragua Solidarity Network of Greater New York. He traveled to Nicaragua to undermine President Reagan and has aligned himself with George Soros for years. You can bet that he’d be taking part in the lawless demonstrations like his daughter did, if it weren’t for him being the mayor. Today, de Blasio characterizes himself as a democratic socialist, but he’s actually much more extreme than that. He also allegedly lied about taking his Honeymoon in Canada when actually he went to Cuba. Bernie Sanders went to Moscow for his Honeymoon, but at least he owned it.

So why is de Blasio, with the tacit approval of other NY politicians, so hell-bent on destroying America’s once-great city? NYC had become known as the biggest safe city in America before deBlasio’s corrosive reign began on Jan. 1, 2014. Recall he immediately attacked the NYPD as he weakened the force, showed them contempt, destroyed morale and more recently eliminated the 600-officer street crime unit. This unit of the most pro-active, fearless officers were mostly responsible for getting illegal guns off the street. In June of 2019 there were 89 shootings. Juxtapose that with June 2020’s 205 shootings, and you can easily see how detrimental to the community disbanding that unit was. And that’s stats for only one month! If Black Lives really do Matter, why would you take action that results in more black deaths?

How can de Blasio, with all of his machinations, get away with such virulent destruction? To an untrained observer, you may believe de Blasio is terribly incompetent, or perhaps just a buffoon. But let’s be real here; most leaders learn by trial and error, constantly learning from their mistakes. I personally don’t see just a few mistakes, but a pattern. And trust me, I don’t take what I’m saying lightly. What de Blasio is doing is absolutely abhorrent. You would think by now that New York’s billionaires would’ve convinced Gov. Cuomo to straighten this guy out already. So, is Cuomo actually complicit? After all, he did sign the Bail Reform Bill that is catastrophic and contributes to more crime.


De Blasio is killing tourism with everything he does, or neglects to do, as visitors need to feel safe. What tourist today would want to visit NYC? There is more graffiti now than during the Dinkin days. Allowing graffiti is in stark contrast to the “broken windows theory” that was embraced by many areas across the country with great success. NYC is now giving San Francisco a run for its money with the homeless defecating in the street. The quality of life phone number is worthless under de Blasio as he’s now set the tone for gang bangers to rule the streets. Need an example? A woman recently asked a group of youths not to blow off fireworks, so they shot her multiple times, leaving her dead in the street. Their arrogance is off the chart as “Nero Fiddles.” NYPD reported that there have been 503 shooting incidents this year with 605 victims as of July 18. It’s hard to understand how the hospitals keep up, especially with COVID. Because decent inner-city blacks are terrorized by gang bangers and other thugs with their “nosnitchin” policy, many of these shootings will go unsolved. How can de Blasio sleep at night knowing that his feckless policies, and anti-police rhetoric, are getting children killed in drive-bys almost every day? Brooklyn community advocate Tony Herbert recently said what so many cops have been saying for years. “Give them 10 years for illegal possession of a firearm; no conversation, no plea bargain, you go straight to jail.” I agree.

All crime, from jumping turnstiles — to armed robbery — to homicide in NYC, have increased exponentially under de Blasio’s watch. He’s done everything in his power, even before the rioting and looting to weaken the NYPD. BLM protests seem “made to order” to turn a thriving economy into a distressed, third-world city. Additionally, COVID-19 unfortunately devastated the city and put thousands of mom and pop stores out of business throughout the five boroughs. But to release thousands of prisoners back into the streets because, ironically, you couldn’t quarantine them on Rikers Island was inexcusable. How is putting them back in housing projects safer, especially for the residents there? They are now showing off their ankle bracelets like a fashion statement. Could you imagine their poor victim’s faces when they suddenly appeared back on the streets! How is it that progressives show so much empathy for predators, but none for their prey? Do they not understand the plight, or fear of these poor victims, usually black, in New York’s communities? What if that was your mom who was robbed, or your sister who was raped?


De Blasio also thinks it’s a good idea to defund the police by almost one billion dollars. Maybe he can explain it to the victims of the crime surge that he now owns. He also recently canceled the next class of police recruits of 1,163 with no regard for impending retirements.

Police officers are all these victims have against these “domestic terrorists.” Good, hard-working blacks in the inner city disdain the criminal element surrounding them, but don’t have the resources to get out. Black folks don’t fear being shot by the police; they know who the real predators are.

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Pat Ciser is a retired lieu- tenant from the Clifton Po- lice Department, and a 7th Degree Black Belt. He was a member of 5 U.S. Karate Teams, winning gold medals in South America and Europe. He is the Author of BUDO and the BADGE; Ex- ploits of a Jersey Cop (, and is a guest writer for Official Karate Magazine.