Taking Responsibility: BLM and their counterparts ANTIFA are Anti-American garbage

Recently I watched a PSA shot in black and white (for a more dramatic effect, I suppose) a smarmy attempt at genuine concern by addressing a serious problem in our country. The PSA was a montage of Hollywood types, actors I'm assuming (although I only recognized one from a few movies) taking tums, some misty-eyed for the lens and arms crossed over their hearts. "I take responsibility," they each took a turn. I thought to myself, "responsibility for what?" 

So, I watched on, and eventually the mystery topic was revealed, "It's time to step out and end police brutality," one said. Another said, "Black people are being slaughtered in the street," and "I stand against hate," and "Shopping in a store should not be a death sentence," and then the punch line, "Killer cops must be stopped, they are murderers and must be prosecuted!"

That did it for me! I have news for you folks who think because you have portrayed a character in a film you have the right to start even more bullshit when our bullshit tank is filled to capacity. Even if one of the characters you have portrayed in a movie was a police officer, you are not a police officer!

You want to side with the Marxist terrorist groups BLM and ANTIFA and chime in on how the police are randomly targeting people of color and murdering them? Your judgment lacking as much foundation as are your skills as actors.

And don't you dare invoke the name of the criminal who started this traveling shit-show in Ferguson, the catalyst for the "Hands up, don't shoot!" false narrative fueled by then sitting President Obama and Attorney General Holder. That entire storm helped morph the Black Panthers into the New Black Panthers, who had a baby and named it "Black Lives Matter" and that cute little bastard grew into the hellish, criminal, communist monster it is today. They married their first cousin. "ANTIFA" and God only knows what the offspring of that coupling will be named. 

Keep it under your hats, but the police aren't the ones shooting folk off their porches for shits and giggles to show off their prowess with firearms. Many cities, thanks to you and folks like you that perpetuate the hate against the police, are seeing increases of over 100% in the past month in shootings and homicides and again, it's not the cops. You have enabled these folks and now it's "Anarchy rules." 

For those of you who want to defund the police, the politicians like Mayor DeBlasio (who spent quality time playing with the Sandinista Liberation Front in Nicaragua before returning to the U.S. and changing his name) who learned how to apply his Marxist Leninist tactics on the citizens of New York, I say this and I'll say it to your face, when I get the chance. Go fuck yourself You have the blood of police officers on your hands, and you might as well have tossed every bottle, brick and Molotov cocktail, personally. Painting "Black Lives Matter" on 5th Avenue with Al Sharpton the race-baiting FBI informant is a kick in the nuts to every member of the NYPD. You're a fucking hack and you should just go away.

I agree 100% that Mr. Floyd should not have died for his arrestable offense, but he did play a very small role in his own death by committing a felony. Had he not done that, he might still be alive.

Mike Brown chose the wrong path and it cost him his life. That's fact. It was proven that the entire case was built on a lie and a false narrative and it didn't spawn "civil unrest" (that's a soft, bullshit term). It spawned anarchy, looting, burning and rioting, and it got folks hurt. It elevated the shit show to new heights and the cops not only got free tickets: they got front row seats. Cops took bullets and continued to do so. Cops suffered traumatic brain injuries from getting hit with bricks and frozen water bottles. We are dying every day, because of you bastards! We are being murdered "Anybody in Hollywood hear that? I saw your responsibility video. Step right up!"

There's a lot to take responsibility for. You can go into any inner city and protest the hundreds of aborted fetuses ripped from their mother's wombs and dismembered while still alive.

You say black people are being slaughtered in the street? That is fact! But, the cops aren't the butchers. The data is available from numerous sources, news, crime stats and universities. Just search and you'll find the numbers, but chances are you won't be happy. "Is there a problem? Yes! Are the police the problem? Absolutely not!"


Kirk Lawless is a 28 year, decorated, veteran police officer from the St Louis area. He's a former SWAT operator, narcotics agent, homicide investigator, detective and Medal of Valor recipient. Off the job due to an up-close and personal gunfight, he now concentrates on writing. He's a patriotic warrior, artist, poet, actor, musician, and man of peace.