Are Their Wildest Dreams Coming True? Be Careful What You Wish For. The Body Count Grows Higher.

By: Kirk Lawless


Recently has been nothing short of disastrous for cops across the United States. Police Memorial Week will add 362 names to the wall of cops killed on the job. As of 05/12/2021 we have had 124 cops killed and 57 have committed suicide at only 133 days into the year. And yes, there are folks to blame.

The embracing of terrorist organizations like Black Lives Matter, by politicians and folks with messed up moral compasses are adding fuel to the fire, those who coddle criminals, and those who glorify criminals and their behavior are to blame. “Influencers,” sports figures, Lebron James and Colin Kaepernick are two who come to mind as folks who can just screw right off. I can’t get fired for exercising my First Amendment Right to free speech. I don’t work for anybody and I’ve already been worked over by the cop-hating system, so I don’t care and I will not be quieted.

The folks spoiling for a civil war are to blame as well. The media “If it bleeds it leads” mentality are getting cops and civilians killed. We recently had four cops murdered in one week. We, the police are now officially the enemy.

Missouri U.S. Rep. Cori Bush (D), Black Lives Matter supporter and activist appeared on the news here in St Louis on May 5. “Today’s decision to defund the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department is historic. It marks a new future for our city.” What she said is true, except the future is dismal because of her way of thinking. Within days of applauding the decision that was made to not fill 200 vacancies in the SLMPD, 20 folks were shot and three killed in one night. Keep it under your hat, but the police didn’t kill them. Folks like Bush find it easier to condemn the police in general when it fits the Marxist agenda of BLM, but they’re not protesting the black on black crime that plagues this town.

St. Louis is home to some 300,000 people, who are protected by 1,343 cops soon to be 1,143. Yay! You’re getting what you wanted! Except, it’s more dead bodies, and sadly, most of them will be people of color, and killed by other people of color.

On April 30 the city’s 2nd District (its largest) was protected by five, count ‘em five, cops. That left one cop responsible for the area that includes Forest Park and its 1,326 acres, so four to cover the rest of the district. It’s dangerous for the cops, it’s dangerous for the citizens, but the folks like Bush want less police. I’ve chased bandits all across this area and the last thing the folks of color trapped in low-income crime-infested neighborhoods need is less police protection. That’s fact. The media barely touches on that during the nightly homicide montage. Not to worry, though, the 62 square miles of St. Louis City proper will be better off with 200 less cops!

President Biden chose Police Memorial Week to get a dig in on us, by saying the police were the reason there is such distrust in this country, implying that police officers were randomly killing folks of color. That is as unforgivable as it is insulting. He literally slapped every cop in America right in the face with his political double speak.

They also gave Mrs. Obama more facetime where she had to attack us again implying she is scared to death that the police will target her girls and the outcome would be devastating. I think she’s upset that they had to have “the talk” with their daughters. Here’s a clue, all parents should have “the talk” with their kids regarding possible interactions with the cops. It’s nothing new. All the cool parents are doing it, even the white ones! I had “the talk” with my kids. My dad gave me and my brother, “the talk.” My grandfather gave my dad and his five brothers, “the talk,” so singling out the notion that only people of color have “the talk” is such BS. Personally, I’m sick of it. I won’t be shamed into feeling guilty for something I didn’t do. And I won’t get shamed or discounted for the color of my skin. Wait what’s that called? Oh yeah, racism, and it’s a two-way street.

Systemic racism. It always comes back to that, doesn’t it? The thing that shocks me is that those who hold some sway, or can create a media frenzy by weighing in on something they know little about, stops right there, by creating conflict and bitching that this should have been handled differently and then they disappear. They offer zero solutions. They stir the pot, then leave.

These folks don’t volunteer their time to go into what they say is “their” neighborhoods and make a difference. Do they go into the schools and tell kids how they should act during a car stop? Do they preach the ills of drugs and gunplay on the streets? I did it every damned day. It’s not just a job for most of us; it’s a calling.

I’m serious. I’m not sure how many parents neglect to tell their children how to cross the street without getting hit, let alone how to conduct themselves during an interaction with the police.


So Colin, LeBron, Cori, Joe, and Michelle stop being part of the problem and start being part of the solution. I will continue to do what I do. I have solutions; I have insight. I talk to many police recruits. Trust me, when we part ways they have a greater understanding of the difficulties of the job and what will be asked of them. And, I have never met one who said, “I can’t wait to hit the street and kill someone for absolutely no reason!” It’ll never happen. It doesn’t work that way.

By leaps and bounds, you are changing things by defunding the police and demonizing us. You’re getting more cops killed. You are directly making cities like St. Louis more dangerous than we already were. We’re number one in murders and again, it ain’t the cops doing the killing. Keep it up. Keep draining the citizens of the only protection they have and need. You’re just going to end up with a higher body count.

Your dreams may be coming true, but be careful what you wish for.

Kirk Lawless is a 28 year, decorated, veteran police officer from the St Louis area. He’s a former SWAT operator, narcotics agent, homicide investigator, detective and Medal of Valor recipient. Off the job due to an up close and personal gunfight, he now concentrates on writing. He’s a patriotic warrior, artist, poet, actor, musician, and man of peace.