Tribute: Walk to Remember Detective Melvin V. Santiago

By Vincent DeFazio

We started our annual walk in July 2019 in Melvins memory for his 5th year taken (I do not call it an anniversary bc an anniversary is something you celebrate, Melvin being taken is not a celebration).

We continue the walk because we don’t want Melvin’s memory or his sacrifice to be forgotten, especially during these times when police are so disrespected and their lives disregarded it is extremely important to make sure that no officers ultimate sacrifice is forgotten and the public understand that the men and women who put that uniform on to protect their communities are human beings with families, friends, people who care for them. Their life matters too. Melvin’s mission as an officer was to show a new side of “community policing”. He went to the projects on his lunch hour and played basketball with the kids on the court, he spoke with the youth and seniors, bringing a new respect and understanding to the job and community. His time was cut way too short. Mel would have done amazing things for Jersey City and community policing.

We plan on making the walk a yearly event for Melvins memory, all officers lost and for our present LEO working.