TERRORISM ALERT: How Washington will LEAD America into WWIII

TERRORISM ALERT: How Washington will LEAD America into WWIII
By: Eric Caron

In November of 2021, Blue Magazine published my article entitled: “Are We On The Verge of WWIII? Peace and Global Security is Jeopardized”.

In summary, I outlined the incompetence and failures of the U.S. government in sustaining peace in Afghanistan. Also, how the U.S. believed money alone could purchase it by partnering with an international crime syndicate masquerading as a government. The U.S. was the biggest source fueling this corrupt government via fraudulent U.S. contract activities such as bribes and/or cash payments to corrupt Afghan officials, drug lords, bankers and thousands of others by our CIA.

I concluded the article by asking a question: “Are we on the verge of WWIII? Countries such as Russia, Iran, China, and other nations are aligning with the “new” Afghan/Taliban government. Will we capitulate to the Taliban and other Afghan terror organizations who are now well-equipped with sophisticated U.S. military weapons, free to move with impunity with a global terror reach? Since the Taliban re-takeover, the U.S. government is now seen as inept and timid and our adversaries around the world have taken note. I believe that obtaining global peace and security is now jeopardized for generations to come.”

Sadly, my Nostradamus predictions have come to fruition.

According to the CIA, there are no fewer than fourteen distinct terror groups operating in Afghanistan today, all with international ambitions. In addition, the new Afghan government headed by the Taliban formed a suicide unit called the Badr Martyrs’ Brigade. Human rights and freedom of the press no longer exist. Children have become the victims of starvation, child marriage, organ trafficking and are being sexually exploited. Young boys are often used as child soldiers. The Taliban government will continue to cultivate opium poppies, which will provide endless amounts of cash to purchase weapons, and execute operations inside and outside Afghanistan with impunity and build their regional and global dominance.

The disastrous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan was seen by them, Russia, China and Iran as an indication of the decline of American leadership or dominance and as a result, these countries' alliances were deepened.

On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Although Washington knew an invasion was imminent, President Biden failed to communicate or meet with the Russian leader. One would think, a half a century of a Cold War and two nuclear powers at odds would motivate President Biden to meet with President Putin to avoid a war on Europe's doorstep. Remarkably to date, no such face-to-face meeting has occurred.

This 9-month war has escalated with shared opposition of the United States by China, Iran and Afghanistan. These countries directly and indirectly are providing Russia with military advisors/personnel and or military armaments. For the first time, Iran is involved in a major war on the European continent.

The White House and Congress have led America, distracted with high inflation, crime and COVID, into World War III from which there is no easy escape.

It has been said, a way to predict the future is by looking at the past. The wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan cost trillions of dollars, over 70,000 U.S. soldiers and contractors killed. Many would say these wars failed to alter strategic reality in America’s favor in any sustaining real way. History has proven the only winners of these past wars are the military industrial companies and their shareholders.

Today, reports from Ukraine have at least 400,000 Ukrainian battlefield casualties including 100,000 killed in action. The Russian casualties continue to climb, with an estimated 100,000

Russian dead.

It appears that the Russian offensive in Ukraine may be stalled. The United States, United Kingdom and European Union and NATO have all committed tens of billions of dollars and sophisticated military equipment to Ukraine. The U.S. State Department noted, “50 Allies and partner countries have provided security assistance to Ukraine”. It has also been reported that the U.S. has advisors/trainers in Ukraine as well, further escalating this war.

Now the Iranians are providing military equipment and personnel to Russia to aid the offensive. It was recently reported that the Russians took Iranian military instructors to Crimea to launch hundreds of Shahed-136 kamikaze drones. It was also reported that 10 Iranians were killed in retaliatory operations by the Ukrainians. Further reporting states that Iran will provide short-range ballistic missiles, another escalation of the Iranian support for Russia’s war.

In addition, Moscow is now recruiting Afghan commandos that were trained by the United States. These abandoned Afghan special forces veterans trained by the U.S. Special Forces are getting job offers to fight in the Russia - Ukraine War. The United States spent almost $90 billion building the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces. Now, they are jobless and hopeless and easy pickings for Russian recruiters. Estimates suggested up to 10,000 former commandos could be amenable to the Russian offers, and Afghan television reported that the recruitment offers include Russian citizenship.

China and Russian military cooperation and exercises have occurred for decades. They have ongoing collaborations in aviation, undersea and hypersonic-weapons technology. Furthermore, the U.S. intelligence community’s declassified “Worldwide Threat Assessment” in 2019 was the first such report to label China and Russia jointly as a regional threat. Russian state media has reported that China and Russia were developing a “top-secret submarine”.

President Putin, who rules the world’s biggest nuclear power, has repeatedly cautioned the West that any attack on Russia could provoke a nuclear response. Putin casts the war in Ukraine as an existential battle between Russia and the West, which he says wants to destroy Russia and grab control of its natural resources.

Given the death and destruction created by this war in less than a year, its global economic impact and the military escalation, the United States must lead peace talks now or risk a global nuclear catastrophe.

America must understand its past failures, and recognize there will be no “winner” in WWIII.

Eric Caron is a Special Agent (Ret) with 25 years of service. He is the author of "Switched On - The Heart & Mind of a Special Agent." His website is: Switchedonlife.com