The last trial of my career

The last trial of my career
By: Dale Gabriel

Score one for the good guys. My faith is restored!!! Well friends, I just completed a very diffi-cult four-day jury trial for a DUI! Not a murder, but a DUI… yes, believe it or not, FOUR DAYS. The defense attorney was beating me up terribly, slinging mud, accusing my partner and me of all kinds of heinous things… lying about the case so we could get promoted, making things up to support the charge… out and out calling us liars during his closing argument. liars! It was extremely hard keeping my composure being on the stand for a full day and a half, with the personal attacks. But I did my best to stay calm, smile at the jury, and tell the truth! It was tough watching him slam the breath test reliability, even though it was the defendant who screwed it up (although we were not allowed to say that).

It was tough watching as he questioned the blood draw, the submission of evidence, the trans-portation of evidence to the lab, the testing of the sample, the criminal complaint, the traffic stop, the field sobriety, the actions of me and my partner, the report, making everything look improper! everything!

I had to sit through three witnesses (two of whom were RN's who know these things) testify that in no way, shape or form was the defendant under the influence of any alcohol, despite a blood test more than twice the legal limit. It must be a mistake, or fabricated by me and my partner! I had to listen to the defendant's mother testify with lie after lie after lie, even telling the jury that she does not care if her daughter was found guilty or not, because she always taught her children that there was consequences for their action, but that she was not guilty.

I had to listen to the defendant tell straight out lies about things that occurred during the time in custody, total lies, crying to the jury how she was mistreated!!!! To be honest, for the first time in my career, I was really worried that I might lose a trial.

For the first time in my career, I really just felt totally defeated. Totally unappreciated! It was a long and tough four days and I was wiped out!!!

Then, the ADA had a phenomenal closing argument and the jury saw through all the crap. They saw through all the grandstanding, the dog and pony show, the lies, and the false accusations. They came back with a guilty verdict of not one, but both DUI sections. I am ecstatic… actually giddy.

I have never really showed much emotion on my cases throughout my career. But because of the way I was treated during this trial, I wanted this one badly. When the verdict was read, I smiled at the jury, acknowledging their hard work… their common sense, their verdict! I felt like a retir-ing member of the Super Bowl winner going out of my career on top! Maybe I should go to Dis-ney. One small step for man, one giant leap for Truth, Justice, and the American Way!

Dale Gabriel is a retired patrol and community services officer with the Pennsylvania State Po-lice. After 25+ years of service, in retirement, he has been working on a book of his many PSP memories. He also coaches a baseball team in a Miracle League for those with special needs. He holds a communication degree with English minor from Saint Vincent College in Western Penn-sylvania.