"Sunlight is the best disinfectant” is a well-known quote attributable to former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis (served 1916-1939), referring to the benefits of openness and transparency.

But why did Brandeis say that sunlight is the best of disinfectants?  Because he was referring to a statement by James Bryce in his 1888 book, The American Commonwealth: “The conscience and common sense of the nation as a whole keep down the evils which have crept into the working of the Constitution, and may in time extinguish them. Public opinion is a sort of atmosphere, fresh, keen, and full of sunlight, like that of the American cities, and this sunlight kills many of those noxious germs which are hatched where politicians congregate.”

As time pushes ahead into the New Year and beyond, more truth in the court of public opinion is becoming apparent on a multitude of issues of importance to law enforcement.

From the predictable and nonsensical results of defunding police and the abolishment of some long-standing qualified immunity to revelations of alleged federal law enforcement improprieties appearing to be based largely upon political motives to the overall detrimental effects of the “woke” philosophy, we are witnessing the pendulum begin to shift in favor of truth, law and order in real-time.

We who are dedicated to honest law enforcement maintain that our job is to investigate and report truthfully, not suppress.

The staff of BLUE Magazine writers, being comprised of many astute observers and trained investigators, are always open and transparent in our viewpoints while sharing experiences, knowledge, war stories, and solutions-based teachings. No matter which side of the political aisle you identify with, it's hard not to agree that sunshine is, indeed, the best disinfectant.

In this issue, Ken Dye opines in his article Want to Defund Police…No Need, Just Repeal Qualified Immunity. Professor Peter Marina touts changing positive views toward police in schools in School Resource Officers: “Momma Bear” and the Human Rights Approach. Chief Richard Rosell reminds us all that America is Still Behind Us. And don’t miss our cover story on the magic of Christmas with the help of Moment of Silence and BLUE Magazine.

As truth continues to trump many of the false ideological politically based narratives we remain committed to making our communities safer and more successful each and every day.

Reach out to us. We are here for you, always, as we continue to be of service and help one another. Stay safe as we take on 2023 together.

Joel E. Gordon, Managing Editor