America – A Safe Haven for Terrorists

America – A Safe Haven for Terrorists
By: Eric Caron

In October 2023, U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) issued an alert to officers that Hamas, Hezbollah, & Islamic Jihad foreign fighters may attempt to enter the United States via the Southwest border. During this same time, CBP officials apprehended a former Afghanistan Army general attempting to enter the U.S. illegally, and Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) in New York arrested an African man wanted in Senegal for terrorist offenses, who was previously released by CBP at the southern border. 

Since January 2023, CBP agents have apprehended 169 terror watchlist suspects along the southwest border. Not only is this a record, but it exceeds the combined totals of the past six years.   

In September of this year, there were 232,972 migrant apprehensions at the southern border alone, making it the highest single month ever recorded. For the fiscal year 2023, CBP reported 3.2 million “Enforcement Actions,” making the highest annual total recorded in a single year. Furthermore, CBP estimates over 1.6 million “known got-aways” at the southern border in the last five years alone. These individuals were detected by CBP but not apprehended.  Note that there are 328 official ports of entry into the United States to include seaports, airports & land borders. The “known got-aways” from all these official ports of entry is truly anyone’s guess. 

The federal government is currently allowing more “asylum seekers” into the U.S. with little or no vetting. At the direction of the president via the Dept of Homeland Security, officials from CBP & Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) are now facilitating the relocation of hundreds of thousands of “migrants” to various cities across the United States.  

For decades, the U.S. government prevented America from becoming a safe haven for individuals who commit war crimes, genocide, torture and other forms of serious human rights abuses in conflicts overseas who may attempt to enter or have already entered the U.S. illegally.  

Since 2003, ICE has arrested more than 480 individuals for human rights-related violations of the law under various criminal and/or immigration statutes. During that same period, ICE deported or removed more than 1,100 known or suspected human rights violators from the U.S. 

Currently, ICE/Homeland Security Investigations have more than 170 active investigations into suspected human rights violators and is pursuing more than 1,700 leads involving suspected human rights violators from Rwanda, Ethiopia & 95 countries.

According to the United Nations, a quarter of humanity, approximately two billion people, are living in international conflict areas today, totaling 56 state-based conflicts. The world is facing the highest number of violent conflicts since World War II ended. Furthermore, the U.S. is currently involved in 21 African “shadow wars” and assisting in wars in Ukraine and Israel.

Sadly, wars are raging throughout the globe, and recently America received another dreadful reminder of the importance of border security with the Hamas terror attacks that killed approximately 1,200 Israelis. Many Hamas terrorists & their supporters will attempt to evade capture by escaping to neighboring countries and to the United States with open borders.  

Unfortunately for America, the Department of Homeland Security, responsible for keeping America safe, is actually facilitating the importation and relocation of suspected terrorists & war criminals to U.S. cities. These additional burdens on local/state and federal authorities to track, investigate, & prosecute individuals who were allowed entry into America to commit additional crimes has sabotaged all levels of traditional policing in America.

With the current war on police in America, including low morale and staffing coupled with the actions from the Department of Homeland “Insecurity,” America is in turmoil. 

Abraham Lincoln famously stated, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” 

America must stand up NOW for the rule of law.

Eric Caron is a Special Agent (Ret) with 25 years of service. He is the author of "Switched On - The Heart & Mind of a Special Agent." His website is: