Prominent Pastor Michael D. McDuffie Leads Officers Locally and Nationally

Prominent Pastor Michael D. McDuffie Leads Officers Locally and Nationally
By: George Beck, Ph.D.

Pastor Michael D. McDuffie, 59, of Paterson, NJ, has spent his entire adult life serving the Lord. At 18, McDuffie accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior, ascending on a spiritual journey of growth that has sustained him for more than 40 years. Formally educated in Biblical scripture and preaching, the charismatic McDuffie has led many city churches and Christians in Paterson and beyond. In addition to being a pastor, he is also an author whose literary ministerial works have and continue to bless those who have had the opportunity and privilege to read them. McDuffie's wife, Jamie, is also a minister. The happily married couple has one daughter, Makiyah, one son TaJuan, and two grandchildren CaJuan and Cherrish.

In the law enforcement community, McDuffie is a godsend, known as the preacher on a quest to save lives by instilling hope, faith and courage in the hearts and minds of our nation's finest. He is actively working with Blue Magazine and their sister organization — the NPO — Moment of Silence, Inc., to combat blue suicide and increase the quality of officers' lives through spirituality. McDuffie appears at many blue suicide events hosted by Blue Magazine and Moment of Silence, offering wisdom and encouragement.

"Law enforcement is a unique profession," McDuffie said. "Officers choose their careers to do their best in our communities by helping those in need. My goal as the Blue Magazine national law enforcement chaplain is to help officers be the best they can be."

McDuffie is always ready to take those tough calls from officers in urgent need. McDuffie frequently joins officers at the Blue Magazine office in Haledon, NJ, to offer spiritual guidance, mentoring and motivation, always providing prayer and inspiring messages for officers to consider.

McDuffie tells how, sometimes, when he meets officers for the first time, he notices a bit of shyness or hesitancy. However, "The Holy Spirit opens that door, allowing me to walk in and build a lasting relationship with the officers. They know I support them and want what's best for them. It’s all about trust."

McDuffie's appointment as Blue Magazine's national law enforcement chaplain came many years ago when a young magazine publisher and Paterson native, Daniel Del Valle, met McDuffie in Paterson.

"I knew he was special from the moment I met him," Del Valle said. "He's truly a prophet from God. He's helped so many officers, including my family and I. We all owe him a debt of gratitude for all his work with officers here in New Jersey and in many states in our nation."

Del Valle encourages officers to reach out to Pastor McDuffie. “They will find that Pastor McDuffie is passionate, brilliant and a charismatic preacher who understands relationships better than anyone and can help increase their spiritual awareness which greatly increases the quality of their lives. I am living proof.” 

For all Blue Magazine readers who want to meet Pastor McDuffie and experience his wisdom and guidance up close, and would like to have access to Pastor McDuffie, reach out, and we will connect you.

Blue Magazine thanks Pastor McDuffie for the many lives he helped save over the years. We appreciate your dedication and hard work in the law enforcement community and the inner city. You are indeed an inspiration!

George Beck is a police lieutenant, award-winning journalist, and editor-in-chief of Blue Magazine. He holds a Ph.D. in History & Culture from Drew University. He is the author of Law Enforcement in American Cinema, 1894-1952 and several other books. His nonfiction and short stories have been featured in magazines and anthologies nationally and internationally.