America’s Heart is Heavy

America’s Heart is Heavy
By: Ken Dye

Young child shot and killed doing her homework. Teenager shot while walking to school. Police officer charged with murder for shooting violently resisting subject. These are all headlines we have seen in recent memory. America is sick and tired of having to wake up to the loss of our greatest asset, our children and youthful boys and girls shot or seriously wounded by random gunfire. 

Since almost everyone on the streets of our major cities have weapons and these municipalities have extremely tough gun laws, the message here is that gun laws are ineffective if they are not enforced … and the carnage continues.

We are all further disheartened by the deaths and wounding of our nation’s police officers often for doing “routine” activities such as a traffic stop. Our country’s officers make over 500,000 citizen contacts per day. The majority are just that … “routine,” or should I say uneventful. 

There is nothing such as a “routine “contact with a citizen.  In Grand Rapids, Michigan, an officer is charged with murder after an altercation with a suspect. This is merely an example of how a simple and “routine” incident can quickly degenerate into a fatality.

Hope is on the horizon. In San Francisco, the former district attorney was recalled and replaced with a law and order candidate.

Overcharged police officers’ cases are being dismissed by judges.  Grand uries fail to indict cops who have been involved in a traumatic incident where a suspect has been killed.

The loudest voices whine about our nation’s officers wearing military-style equipment.  I don’t know if anyone keeps tabs on the number of officers saved by their bullet-resistant vest, but the vest is an important part of an officer’s uniform.

Yes, America’s heart is heavy over the rampant crime and mayhem. This can be stopped. The underpinning of a lawful society is a strong and dedicated criminal justice system. Violators are faced with serious consequences if they break the norms and rules of a free society.

Every American should and must support those candidates who support a strong and viable criminal justice system. America …u nburden your heart to ensure that justice prevails.


Ken Dye is the author of five books about crime, cops and bad guys in the St. Louis area. He blogs under “Cops Perspective” and has over 20,000 followers. Ken served with the St. Louis County Police Department for 13 years and finished his LE career with the Illinois Criminal Justice Authority as the administrator for the statewide MEG’s and Narcotics Task Forces.