Publisher's Point of View

As the publisher of the Blue magazine, I am proud of our accomplishment of interviewing a former president of the United States. This pinnacle of success is a first for our publication. I thank everyone on President Trump's team who made it happen. I also thank our team, who tirelessly work to make our publication the best independent voice in law enforcement.

While I reflect here on our success, at the same time, I am angry because once again, the current climate in law enforcement is horrendous. I am seeing firsthand that many officers, now more than ever, are experiencing anxiety, depression, and instability. What angers me is the cause of their troubles is not because of the routine transactional part of their duties serving and protecting; rather, the culprits are the corporate media, so-called law enforcement administrators, and slimy politicians. Turn on the news and you will see violence en masse in all of our major cities — I am talking old ladies walking with canes being beaten by lunatics, and yet, where are the administrators, chiefs, sheriffs, or whatever leader titles they hold — Where are they? They know what's going on. They have all the intel and resources, yet they are sitting on their hands while victims are stacking up like cordwood. So let me be direct: Stand up, so-called leader, do something! Tell your political cronies and the phonies in the corporate media the truth!

It would be nice to hear a talking head with a white shirt and whatever bedazzle they have on their uniforms, that in many communities, it's the politicians and the corporate media who are behind the curtain, either offering tacit approval of violence or whistling past the graveyard, to knock it off. Tell them their foolish policies that hug criminals and hate cops are destroying our communities. Handing out hugs and kisses for criminal behavior is a slap in the face to crime victims and all law-abiding Americans. But you won't hear that coming from these frauds who call themselves leaders. The system itself is rigged so that politicians control their so-called leader to the point that usually, the one chosen to occupy that big desk is the one who is easily controlled. Tell me I am wrong. We all know it.

This is why when the opportunity arose to interview President Trump, I was excited. Here's a man who dares to speak his truth to the corporate media and the loathsome politicians who've forgotten why they were elected and who they serve. Trump speaks out against his party. Nobody owns his thoughts or words, and we need that courage in our law enforcement leaders.

Also, you would need help finding another president of the United States who supports law enforcement as much as Trump does. This is also why he is on our cover. Trump respects and honors law enforcement, and therefore, he is most deserving of our cover.

Allow me a moment to speak directly to our officer struggling with mental health issues. Listen, I get it. Why wouldn't you be? Not only do you have to do a job that puts you at risk of losing your life, but you are also just moments away from being incarcerated because of a mistake. Many of you risk your lives in communities without respect for what you do, nor do they value your life. We get it. That is why we have many organizations, including our nonprofit Moment of Silence, which is here to help you through any struggles you may have. No matter what you're facing, we are here for you. Your life is worth far more than any “mistake” they say you've made. This is our purpose. So please stay strong. Times will get better. Stay committed to your life. Your mindset is everything. Protect it. And do not let any negativity set you back. Look at what Trump endures daily. He's attacked, slandered, accused, indicted and arrested for bullshit. No person deserves this. Yet, Trump continues to stay positive and inspires us all. I find true inspiration from a president like him. Therefore, our prayers are with him. Our law enforcement community supports and respects him. May God be with President Trump, and may God be with our country and all of you.