Just Say Thank You

Just Say Thank You
Written by a former Det. Sgt. from the Baltimore City Police Department

To the taxpaying citizen out there, let me tell you about the life of (most) police officers once we are done protecting and serving the community.

We had a life of running down trash-filled alleyways where we prayed we didn’t sprain an ankle or break any bones if we fell. Those times we fell through unsafe floors of vacant dwellings so we could watch and arrest the drug dealers in your neighborhoods. Of course this (sometimes) resulted in an ER visit for stitches, broken bones or a tetanus shot.

All of those times that the suspect that didn’t want to get arrested and fought us.

For those who have never fought for your life let me tell you, you can hardly close your hands for days because of the pain and swelling in your fingers and hands. Some of these actions resulted in dislocated or broken fingers or hands. Of course one of my fights resulted in me getting cut by the suspect with a knife. I have been hit in the head with a cast iron skillet during a domestic or the numerous times I have been kicked in the groin area resulting in a trip to the emergency room. But that is a day at the office for a police officer. We have gotten stitches for various reasons while doing our job and have been sent to the ER for a variety of things. Not to mention the times we have been stuck by uncapped needle from drug addicts. When this happened we get the (Immediate) HIV cocktail that makes us nauseous. For days we worry if we contracted the virus.

We miss many family events because of the job.

Once we leave the job, it’s not over. We have health issues like hypertension and diabetes. Not to mention the surgeries. For me, I have had surgery on my shoulder, knee and numerous epidurals in my back because of the street. I and doing these extremely painful epidurals so I hopefully can avoid getting my back cut open. My knee surgeon said I am about 2 years away from my right knee needing surgery and my left knee will eventually need to be replaced.

We have daily (pain) reminders from our life as a police officer. Some days are harder than others just trying to get out of bed. We also have a shorter life expectancy due to the job.

Worst of all are our brothers and sisters that gave all and didn’t come home at the end of their tour.

But with all that I have listed, I want all to know WE ALL gave 100% to the citizens and taxpayers in the jurisdiction we work. Never forget, we protected property we didn’t own and people we never knew. But we protected this property as if we did own it and protected the citizens of our jurisdiction as if they were our family. Most of all we did this because we chose this job and swore and took an oath to do this and we did!

So if you see a police officer in your travels, just say thank you. This goes a long way!

You’re welcome!