Every Storm Runs Out Of Rain: The silent majority must stand up

Here we go again, folks. Another wave and another storm of anti-police hate speech, attacks on police and attacks on the beliefs that make this nation so great. If some of you are like me, you probably wake up every day and ask yourself, "What world am I living in?" These storms come and go and those that are doing the right thing do their best to weather them, hunker down and hold fast. They will pass, but at what cost? While some mainstream media outlets and the pandering spineless radical liberal politicians will have you believe that criminals are the victims, cops are the criminals, and anyone who speaks against the progressive agenda is the enemy: others, the silent majority, still stand with the side of law and order.

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Recent terrible and tragic injustices which could have led to an important channel of open dialog between civic leaders, law enforcement, and society instead became a hijacked vessel of hate with a new mission. A mission set on destruction. A man dying in police custody should be followed by the gathering of facts surrounding the incident, holding those responsible accountable, and a period of reflection to determine what went wrong and how it can be prevented in the future. None of that happened. Instead, a runaway train filled with anti-government motives, law-breaking behaviors and intolerance toward those who stand between them, headed hell-bent and full-throttle toward the American way of life with the main goal of destroying it.

Police now more than ever need to remain vigilant. We as police are stuck between doing the job that we chose and watching out for our necks as violence toward police has hit the roof. Police are there to help, that's how simple and basic it is. Some would argue that BLUE is the color of the uniform they wear and that if they don't like how they are treated they can take it off anytime. But what happens when no one is left wearing the uniform? What happens when the gutless politicians rewrite the books, doing away with those in BLUE? I can tell you this what we've seen on the news recently about increasing violence and crime in American cities is a sliver of what's to come. American cities and impoverished communities will feel the full brunt of a lawless society

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Defunding or abolishing police, whatever you want to call it, is all the same to me. Who in their right mind would want to limit reduce, or restrain the very group responsible for handling society's problems? Sure, if you're a lawless criminal this sounds great, with more potential victims and less police around. It sounds like open season on the vulnerable to me. That's what defund/abolish police means it means, "I don't care about the vulnerable. Any politician who gets behind this message needs to take a long look in the mirror, ask themselves if what they're doing is what they believe is right? Does it do the most good for the most people? Or are they just pandering to save their own skin come election time?

Fortunately, America still currently operates where citizens can be heard in the voting booths. There is a lot of noise that the attention is focused on right now. Rest assured that productive members of society and the like have had to remain silent for some time. They remained silent out of fear that they would be vehemently labeled something that they are not but actions speak louder than words, and action in the voting booth is more important than words on the streets. When this storm of hate and intolerance passes. I hope all you good people out there pick your heads up, carry on and let your voices be heard.

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Chris Scilingo is a police officer in NJ since 2011. He's a Marine veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. He holds a bachelor's degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University and is currently pursuing a master's degree. Chris aspires to teach higher education after transitioning from law enforcement.