Santa comes to Paterson


This year I had the best Christmas of my entire life. Sharing it with the beautiful children and parents of Paterson, New Jersey, was an amazing feeling I will never forget. Regardless of your age, I hope that everyone at some point in his or her life experiences the wonderment of Christmas as we had at Blue Magazine.

On Dec. 23rd and 24th, we packed truckloads of gifts and drove Santa Claus in a shiny red Corvette around some of the city's most impoverished areas. Our caravan of goodwill was seen for blocks — the pounding speakers of Christmas music informing the residents that although 2020 has been a challenging year — we did not forget them.

This massive undertaking was a success, and we will do this every Christmas going forward. This project was made possible because of the many individuals, sponsors, and organizations who share our same vision. Brothers Before Others (BBO) is one of those unique organizations that share our vision. So many additional organizations and individuals made this possible because of their commitment to helping the community. They are just as important as those who donated toys, organizations that donated time and money, our Blue sponsors, volunteer elves who wrapped all the toys, and volunteers who played Santa and the Grinch.

We can change the world. It doesn't matter who sees it as long as the people involved are pure at heart. After all, God knows, and that's all that matters. A grown man cried in the streets this Christmas, and I'm proud to have been able to express that. Everyone who was there, I'm confident, will never be the same again. We were all reminded that we all love to be happy; we just need others at times to help us get there.


A special thank you to Paterson's parents and children, who allowed us to share this moment with them.  Also, thank you to the Paterson Police (our reindeers) for escorting Santa around and leading the way. Much love and respect to all of you. I hope you all had a great Christmas. I wish you all a joyous and prosperous new year.

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