Who Won in D.C.?

By Lt. Patrick J Ciser (ret.)

The year 2020 was a year of tumult and frustration to be sure, and if anyone thought that 2021 would be better; think again. No event that I’ve witnessed before has convinced me that there truly are two Americas. January 6th was the day we saw protesters in D.C. force their way into our nation’s Capitol building. Deep condolences go out to the family of police officer Brian Sicknick, who served our country both here and abroad.


The “right” and the “left” are now so diametrically opposed to one another, and I don’t see any hope of reconciliation. But after what we saw, the rioting in American cities over the summer, was it really “shocking,” or actually quite predictable? Democrats were never shocked at the burning down of our cities, or the Molotov cocktails being hurled at our police and thrown into their police cars. Nor the assassination of a police officer sitting in his car. CHAZ was OK with them and also the 100-day siege of the Federal Building in Portland. It’s apparently a peaceful protest when citizens are surrounded and dragged from their cars to be beaten while Democrat politicians, and the liberal media, look the other way. Yet they became horrified that “they” could actually become victims of criminal behavior while Congress was in session. On that day, “defund the police” politicians became our cheerleaders. How ironic.

Let us first imagine that it was a couple hundred extremist Trump supporters that stormed the building, which is quite plausible. Others then, seemed to walk in as if to have a massive “sit-in” in the rotunda, as we’ve seen before. After this assumption, however, I will opine on the belief by some, that it may have been Antifa infiltrators that had much to gain, while leading the charge during the original assault.

Estimates are that there were between 20-30,000 protesters in D.C. that Wednesday, so, it is understandable that a small percentage of the crowd had malicious intent when they arrived. As police officers, we know what it’s like when our detractors claim that all cops are Satan; although we know that nothing could be further from the truth. As with most professions, you can always find some bad apples, however. It is reported that there were some 90 arrests made that day, and no matter what political group they belong to, they should all be prosecuted.

Getting back to the part where I said, should we really be surprised? On Jan. 20, 2017, 70 members of Congress refused to attend President-elect Trump’s inauguration. Within a day or two, politicians and the liberal media stated that impeachment of the president starts now! Think of the contrast when Barack Obama was sworn in and given a Noble Peace Prize; before he did ANYTHING! The left, including Barack Obama, was convinced that Hillary would be the next president, especially after Obama’s “boys” in the FBI cleared her of destroying 33,000 emails. As proof, when the FBI told Obama that Russia was trying to influence the 2016 election, Obama, believing that the Russians were supporting Hillary, did nothing about it. He also left hundreds of federal judge positions open, believing Hillary would fill them and uphold his legacy. Everything was set and going perfectly as the polls showed Hillary way, way ahead. However, on election night 2016, everything fell apart, so what to do now? An idea was concocted to use Hillary’s bought and paid for Steele dossier to spy on, and throw mud at the “people’s choice,” Donald J. Trump. But Trump became a “rock star” like never seen before. Hundreds of thousands would wait in line for hours on end, to get into a Trump rally.

You see, Trump supporters were sick of getting screwed over by the progressives, and the professional politicians who placated them. Trump supporters wondered how $150K per year civil servants, many times, became millionaires while in office. The Clinton and Biden families are the left’s “poster boys” of corruption.

Ever since Ross Perot, many wondered, what if we elect a businessman who could run America like a business by a millionaire that didn’t need the “special interest” money? As you’re probably aware, Hillary outspent Trump 4-1. In four years, 96% of Trump news was reported negatively. His astonishing accomplishments would’ve certainly been praised had Obama had done it. Even Joe Biden had to admit that the USMCA was much better than NAFTA for America. ISIS was a “JV” Team according to Obama, and he allowed Syria to cross his imaginary “Red Line” again and again. Trump came in, released our military on ISIS; DONE! Trump’s accomplishments are so massive that I don’t have enough room in this article to list them all. You can, however, do an internet search if interested.

Trump was endorsed by countless police unions coast to coast, while Joe Biden got none. Trump has three, maybe four now, nominations for the Noble Peace Prize. But it’s very frustrating to him, his family, and his millions of supporters I’m sure, that he’ll probably never get even one; his name is Trump after all.

Hopefully, with his hundreds of federal judges, and three Supreme Court justices appointed, they’ll stand up for our Constitution as written. Democrats have been trampling on our First and Second Amendments for years now. We need conservative speakers in our universities to get equal time with progressives! Twitter and Facebook/Instagram have been silencing conservative thought for a while now, and it’s only getting worse.

Now, who were the big winners on January 6th at the Capitol building? Democrats and big tech for sure! Why is it that Trump rallies and parades across the country have always been peaceful, yet rioting took place just this once? Even state capitols were marched on that day with no reports of violence. The exception is of course, when Antifa or BLM starts a confrontation. At those times, it is simply self-defense. We’ve seen countless Trump supporters beaten up, simply for exercising their right to free speech. A Trump hat can get you killed in certain areas of the country.

Trump supporters had nothing to gain by storming the Capitol, but it does seem at this time, that some Trump extremists did. We already had over 100 congressmen/women announce that they were going to object to certain states votes being certified. But as a result of the violence, which 99% of Trump supporters adamantly oppose, many of these politicians changed their minds believing that they should now show solidarity. Trump now gets to be the bad guy, and probably has no shot of a comeback in 2024. But millions still wonder, is it possible that Antifa members infiltrated the Trump crowd? Were, “Agent Provocateurs” placed there?

The riot was bad for America, yet a MAJOR WIN for Democrats. But just like the election, things are not always as they seem. Stay safe!