Editor's Point of View

Spring is finally here! After a long winter with, at times, brutal cold and grueling weather across the country, we pray the warmth of spring continues and for longer days of sunshine!

Speaking of prayer, you may be wondering why our cover story is about God. Has the team at Blue Magazine suddenly become bible-thumping holy-rollers? What happened to their hardness, their aggressive in-your-face activism against self-serving politicians, scapegoating law enforcement leaders and others seeking to throw officers under the bus for personal gain? Trust us — we still have all of that. We are merely offering another example of how important it is to take a public stand on matters of deep principle.

We are very aware of the ideological hair-trigger environment we are in. We know many will attempt to censor and silence our cover story. Even some of our own may take offense, call us soft and poke fun. Go for it. Our message is too important to worry about naysayers and those who placate the PC mob: God is the source of everything we are about.

We are continually enduing horrendous attacks against our profession. Just turn on the corporate media for 10 seconds to hear the lie that bad cops are lurking everywhere, ever at the ready to attack innocent civilians. This falsehood is hyped as are politically divisive theatrics that make for good ratings and corporate profit. Many politicians blow cheap anti-police whistles for personal gain while laughing among themselves about defunding and reimaging the police or replacing cops with civilians who would handle every encounter as if human behavior—often difficult to predict and impossible to understand—took place in a utopian world where 1 + 1 always equals 2 and is just as easy to calculate.

It is clear from what we see regularly in the corporate media that our profession can trust very few outsiders.  So who do we trust in times of adversity? We often turn to our families and our brothers and sisters in the rank and file. But, there is another layer of support that we all too often ignore or take for granted: God.

Define that as you will — our nation came about because of the need to hold, proclaim and celebrate different views. But for us at Blue Magazine, it is the source of what is best in all of us and what sustains us in moments of deep crises, personal danger and political betrayal.

For that, we place God first. Everything else follows.