Law Enforcement is Not Racist: Stand Up and Fight Back

“Policing in our country is inherently and intentionally racist” - RashidaTlaib

Can you believe a U.S. congresswoman tweeted this rubbish with all sincerity to her followers? She actually believes that we are “violent” and “aggressive murderers”! This is a woman who can influence others to transform our profession.

If her tweet doesn’t make your blood boil, you should turn in your gun and badge and quit. What’s pathetic is that her tweet is common thinking among numerous politicians and others in positions of power. Our careers are under attack. I, for one, will not remain silent. I will not sit back and just take it. If you consider yourself to be a part of the “Brotherhood,” then you need to rise up and fight too!

It’s time to sound the charge.

So, how, you ask? What can we do? Well, here is one simple task that ALL law enforcement officers can do to counterattack these imbeciles.

Step 1:

Look up elected officials within your municipality. It’s not difficult to find county supervisors, mayors, county executives, school board members and others who have been put into positions of leadership/power. Go to the city/town/village/county webpage and look for the “contacts,” or “emails” tab.

Step 2:

Cut/paste this to each elected official:

U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Democrat from Michigan, recently tweeted:

“It wasn't an accident. Policing in our country is inherently & intentionally racist. Daunte Wright was met with aggression & violence. I am done with those who condone government funded murder. No more policing, incarceration, and militarization. It can't be reformed.”

I want to know where you stand on Tlaib’s tweet. Please choose from the following:

1. I strongly agree with her.

2. I agree with her.

3. I somewhat agree/disagree with her.

4. I disagree with her.

5. I strongly disagree with her.

Please do not respond with a long, politically correct answer, just a number.

Thank you.

(Sign your name and title)

Step 3:

Email each one individually and wait for a response. Give them at least two weeks to respond and tally all responses. Be ready for the usual politically correct crap that typically ensues when you’re trying to ask a politician a question. Stick to your guns! Always be respectful and politely ask them for an answer (1-5). If they beat around the bush and don’t give an answer, mark it down as a “Refused to Answer”.

Step 4:

Once your deadline has passed and you have collected/tallied responses, let the world know! Start with your local labor union. Send out the questionnaire and results to every member of your union. Expose the law enforcement-hating schmucks to our own brethren and explain why it’s so important to vote them out. Send out mass emails to newspapers, radio talk shows and blogs. Expose them, expose them, and expose them.

I’m not going to sugar-coat this. The Democrat party, liberal snowflakes and American-hating commies are our biggest threat. They can ignorantly shoot their mouths off and send whatever social media posts they want to, but they better be ready for some payback from us when they do!

You will notice almost immediately the uncomfortable responses from many Democrats. Based upon my experience, several will refuse to answer, or not even respond. Stick to your guns, continue to push and record everything.

It will be obvious who defends and supports law enforcement. I have found that Republicans and conservatives will typically respond right away with an astounding “5” and thank you for your service. Make sure to thank them for their support.

A warning for all who will follow my advice. Do all of this on your own time, and on your own personal email, and on your own personal computer. If you sign your name and disclose your title, be prepared to explain yourself within your Internal Affairs Division. Some coward politician(s) won’t have the guts to respond to you directly, but they will anonymously send a complaint to your supervisor (happened to me).

I still believe that the overwhelming majority of Americans love law enforcement and support their local PD, or Sheriff’s Office. But, there is a growing, loud minority that wants to see us de-funded, or abolished. If we remain complacent, they will advance in their cause. If we unite and fight, we will win. Your call.

Dave Willoughby is a Marine Veteran, former Firefighter/EMT and is currently a Milwaukee County Deputy after serving as a Juvenile Corrections Officer. He has earned degrees in Developmental Coaching and Communications as well as Fire Science and Emergency Medicine. He is married and is the proud dad to five daughters, six sponsor children, and two dogs.

UPDATE: On May 20, 2021, Deputy Willoughby received a call from a Lieutenant in the Internal Affairs Office of the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office. She informed him that he was going to be suspended.