In a World Gone Crazy: Politicians Abandon Police and Citizens

 By: Lt. Patrick J Ciser (Ret.)

 When I was a younger man, 30-40 years ago, I saw division on many political issues. Sure, we had both extreme left and right groups, but they were certainly in the minority, and few people took them seriously. I remember a time, believe it or not, when Democrats believed in and supported law enforcement and the rule of law. And for the most part, I always saw some wiggle room for reconciliation on both sides.

A few months ago, we saw a radicalized party, against all odds, take the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate, at the end of a very tumultuous year. I’m struck with deep sadness that we find ourselves in this position. Democrats seemed to be on the wrong side of so many important issues facing our nation, yet still won. Let’s take a look at a few of these extreme positions one by one.


There was a day, as I said, when ALL politicians wanted to protect our citizens from crime; especially violent crime. We all have loved ones we wish to protect, and most of us have repeatedly supported victim advocacy groups over the years. We’ve seen the strengthening of domestic violence laws and the increased prosecution of sexual assaults. So why are many Democratic politicians doing everything in their power to assist criminals? Sounds extreme, right? But it is happening in all of our Democrat-run states coast to coast. We’re suffering from bail reform on steroids! Even some violent criminals are immediately let out so they can terrorize their victims again. Witnesses are being threatened and are now scared to death of testifying, even more so than before. Why do you think that half of the homicides in our inner cities aren’t solved? “Warn a Brother” and “No Snitchin” are some serious shit to be sure! Victims learn quickly that our feckless judicial system isn’t going to save them or their kids any time soon. Why do we parole cop killers who should’ve gotten the death penalty? Why do Democrats turn a blind eye to the destruction caused by BLM and Antifa, and even support bailing them out like Vice President Harris has done? Why are Democrats not in favor of deporting criminal aliens and passing “Kate’s Law?” And there’s so much more!


At the DNC primary runoff last year, all the candidates from Joe Biden to Kamala Harris were asked, raise your hand if you’re in favor of giving free health care to illegal immigrants. Every hand on that stage went up! There are an estimated 18-22 million illegals currently living in America. That admission alone could entice a million more to cross the border in the coming four years of the Biden administration. And you know who gets hurt the most, even more than the taxpayers? The illegals who are already here. If an illegal farm worker goes from $5 to $8 or $10 an hour over a few years, he/she will now lose their jobs to the new immigrant willing to take $5. Some Democrat governors curtailed interstate travel from certain states because of COVID, while the Biden administration is welcoming all immigrants regardless if they’re bringing in any disease from COVID to tuberculosis. He’s actually sending out letters to illegals who were deported by the Trump Administration to come back for a new hearing. Many gang members, like MS-13, are no longer in jeopardy of deportation under Biden’s rules.



I never understood bias against gays/lesbians in America. Ultra-religious groups, unfortunately, seem to have disdain for them to the extreme. I always thought, even decades ago; who are they hurting? Certainly not me. So why don’t we simply wish them well and move on? But today, this “group” has grown to be called the LGBTQ community. Now I, like countless others, definitely have a problem. You see, gay rights never infringed on other people’s rights, but transgender “rights” absolutely do! None of us want a man, who believes that he’s a woman, to share the same bathroom with our teenage daughters. No one wants to see their little girl dreaming while growing up, of competing in the Olympics one day, suddenly beaten by a transexual. When your rights trample another’s rights, that’s where we have a problem! We have “Special Olympics,” perhaps we need “transgender” sports.


Censorship; did you ever think that in America we would see such a thing? The CCP, Russia, North Korea, among many others, have always had Government Controlled Media. For you old guys like me out there, remember during Watergate, when we actually had investigative reporters who looked out for the people? Today, we have liberal media that actually acts like an arm of the DNC. Progressives have infiltrated our media outlets and universities to a point where they’re able to snuff out free speech at every turn. Why is it for years now you can’t hear a conservative lecture at our top universities? And now we actually have censorship on all social media platforms. Mao would’ve been proud.

Biden and company also have BIG plans for our Second Amendment; how do they win with this stuff!!

Pat Ciser is a retired lieutenant from the Clifton Police Department, and a 7th Degree Black Belt. He was a member of 5 U.S. Karate Teams, winning gold medals in South America and Europe. He is the Author of BUDO and the BADGE; Exploits of a Jersey Cop (, and is a guest writer for Official Karate Magazine.