Spineless Law Enforcement Leaders Castrate Themselves For Cop-Haters - By Sheriff David Clarke Jr

By Sheriff David Clarke Jr. (Ret.) Milwaukee County


Police chiefs have reached a new low in being accomplices in the War on Cops with the revelation that law enforcement officers all across the country are being disciplined, up to and including suspensions, demotion and dismissal from the service, for expressing on their own time and on their own social media sites, posts expressing a dislike for the cop hating scumbags from Black Lives Matter (BLM). I called them scumbags, not the officers who posted.

Here is a sample of what officers have posted on social media about Black Lives Matter according to a Washington Times news story. Two officers in New Jersey have been fired or demoted for calling BLM, terrorists. In one post, one of New Jersey’s finest was investigated by her agency for denouncing BLM tactics and called them terrorists. Another officer from the same agency “liked” the post and offered support for her colleague’s post. Even though the agency took no action, a town committee fired one of the officers and demoted a sergeant for calling out local politicians who sided with rioters. The chief did not back the officers. The chief should have exercised leadership here and refused to carry out the town committee’s obviously retaliatory firing and offered his own resignation instead. Now that would have been an act of courage, but I digress.

In another instance, an officer from the Bellevue, Idaho Marshals’ Office was suspended for a week for a posting calling out NBA basketball star LeBron James after he put out a tweet regarding an Ohio officer who used deadly force on a knife-wielding suspect who was attempting to stab another girl. James posted the officer’s picture in the post with the sentence, “You’re next, #Accountability.” He deleted the post from his account that has fifty million followers. The damage had been done and he knows it.

And in yet another incident, a Norfolk, Virginia police lieutenant anonymously donated to a defense fund for a man, who in an act of self-defense, shot and killed two suspects and wounded another during a riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin last summer. The man was charged and is awaiting trial. The lieutenant did use a city email address but did not identify himself or the agency. He wrote that the rank and file were behind his claim of self-defense. After what the police union said was a cursory investigation, the officer was fired.

A Los Angeles Police Dept. officer shared a meme on Valentine’s Day that had a picture of George Floyd with the caption, “You take my breath away.” He didn’t create the meme, he shared it. Should he have used better judgment? Of course. Should he be fired? Absolutely not, but LAPD Chief Michel Moore wants the officer fired. A reprimand would be in order here but again, Chief Moore’s moral preening and virtue signaling is more important to him than having his officers’ backs. George Floyd unfortunately has been elevated to icon status. This is the creep who held a loaded gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman in a home invasion robbery looking for drugs and money. He served eight years in prison. George Floyd’s death has caused enough damage and destruction all across the United States. He was involved in a criminal act, geeked up on fatal levels of fentanyl and not complying with an officer’s lawful commands to take him into custody. Chief Moore using the career of one of his officers as cannon fodder is disgraceful.

One defense attorney was quoted as saying, “You shouldn’t have officers sounding off on political issues.” He went on to say that, “Officers, have to represent and protect everyone in the community, and how are you going to be able to do that effectively in a majority-black city if you’re posting anti-Black Lives Matter stuff?” He cites no example where police have refused to serve and protect. He also does not point out that BLM is a Marxist movement that advocates for the killing of police officers.

Now let me stop there for a moment to sound off on that claim by a defense lawyer. As to whether or not officers will protect everyone in the community regardless of their personal feelings, this defense lawyer needs to be reminded that five, count them five Dallas police officers were ambushed and killed with another nine wounded in 2016 while working to protect Black Lives Matter sympathizers at a protest. They were killed by a Black Lives Matter sniper. How is that for protecting everyone in the community?

Two New York police officers were assassinated in a New York City borough as they sat in their cruiser, serving and protecting a very diverse population. In Los Angeles, two LA sheriff’s deputies were ambushed and shot as they sat in their cruiser serving and protecting a very diverse community in Los Angeles. They were rushed to an area hospital and were met by a group of BLM sympathizers who blocked the emergency entrance at the hospital not letting the ambulance through while shouting anti police slogans.

There have been no reports or accusations that police are refusing to serve minority communities in spite of this hateful BLM movement. Officers have been spit on, have had rocks and bottles thrown at them along with urine- and feces-filled balloons and shot at as they are ordered to “stand down” while protecting a diverse group of people as they protest and even riot. There is obviously a need for law enforcement executives to be able to set standards for off-duty conduct. In fact, there are court cases allowing it. As a former elected sheriff responsible for the good order of the service, a balance needs to be struck on this, however. It should be narrowly applied. I read all the posts referenced in the previously mentioned cases. None of what was posted in my view was over the top nor did it discredit their agency. In fact, I feel the same way about BLM that they do. If this was brought to my attention, I would not have ordered an “investigation.” This didn’t warrant an “investigation.” I would have called the officers in and told them to be careful what they post on social media. I would have ordered that a memo to go out to the entire agency reminding them of the good order of the service because the cop haters are on the prowl and looking to take them out through internal discipline. The end. A verbal warning would be appropriate. Suspension, firing and demotion for this is overkill and unnecessary. It is nothing more than virtue signaling trying to appease the cop-hating goons. It doesn’t work.

Our officers are under tremendous stress. They are working long hours due to riots, defunding efforts and short staffing due to retirements and resignations. It is affecting their mental health and quality of life outside work. These are human beings, not drones. Don’t these spineless police chiefs realize that? Do they even care? Our cops need a release from time to time and some empathy from their top commanders. Maybe if law enforcement executives said something that pushes back against the cop haters of Black Lives Matter, rank and file cops would not feel a need to spout off in their own defense.

Sheriff David Clarke Jr. is former Sheriff of Milwaukee Co, Wisconsin, President of AmericasSheriff LLC, Board member of the Crime Research Center, author of the book Cop Under Fire: Beyond Hashtags of Race Crime and Politics for a Better America. To learn more visit www.americassheriff.com