My, Oh My How Things Have Changed: Harness the power of Christ


By: Chris Amos

Perhaps one of the characteristics about Jesus that I am most grateful for is found in Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” As I watch everything around me change at a frightening pace, I am so thankful Jesus Christ does not.

Many reading this may have experienced the pain, the emotional heartbreak from the ever-changing affections of a loved one. Maybe your spouse has fallen out of love with you. His or her feelings for you have changed. They aren’t what they once were. Divorce soon follows. Or maybe your dream job has changed, becoming more and more like a ball and chain around your ankle. Maybe your best friend in all the world has died, or perhaps even worse, moved on no longer having the time or interest in keeping your friendship going. Things inevitably change, for better or for worse.   

As we recognize the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that took place on September 11, 2001, I remember watching this scene play out on television from the comfort of my office while serving as a Norfolk Police Officer. In the days and weeks that followed I remember the wave of patriotism that swept the country. I remember that while in uniform my money seemed to be worthless, as people would eagerly pay for my meals as a sign of support and appreciation. I remember the cards from elementary school classes that were made by the kids and mailed to the Chief’s Office. I remember being stopped everywhere I went by folks just wanting to shake my hand and thank me. I remember the pride I had, not a personal pride, but a much greater pride I had just for the uniform and the countless men and women willing to sacrifice all, in service to their respective communities. 

Well that was then and this is now and my, oh my, how things have changed. Twenty years after first responders could do no wrong, now seemingly, they can do no right. In New York City where police officers and firefighters were once hailed as national heroes, now they are racist, intolerant, incompetent buffoons who are good for nothing. Not just in NYC but in many parts of the country, but none more so than in our major cities. A profession, once revered as being professional, noble, and one of great integrity has been reduced to a job fraught with minefields that no one in their right mind desires to pursue.

The era of proactive policing has given way to officers who operate under a constant state of fear and second guessing. Oh, they are not afraid of doing the job. They are afraid of what would happen if they don’t do the job perfectly, 100% of the time! They are afraid of becoming the next headline, forced to take a life because of the criminal actions of another. They are afraid of renegade Commonwealth and District Attorneys wanting to make a name for themselves. They are afraid of chiefs and sheriffs that might abandon them in their greatest hour of need. They are afraid of losing their jobs, their homes, their freedom all because of decisions they are forced to make in seconds, without the luxury of knowing the full story. They are afraid of making mistakes in good faith, realizing that they are no longer afforded good faith. Ironically, according to the recent Gallup poll, police officers are still one of the most trusted professions in the country, and yet they are operating in an environment, where far more time is spent coddling the guilty, while ignoring the victims of crime.

I personally find tremendous peace, comfort, and hope in knowing that while the society in which we live is constantly changing, and many of those changes are not for the better, I can rest in knowing Jesus Christ NEVER changes. His love for me is as great, as deep, as wide and certain today as it was yesterday, and as it will be tomorrow, for all the tomorrows of my life. I rest in knowing that no matter how society changes with its attitude toward law enforcement officers, Jesus does not. His calling does not change. His need for, and love of police officers does not.

I am reminded of Jesus as He rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to the shouts of praise by all of those in attendance knowing that within five days the shouts of praise would be replaced by shouts of condemnation and “crucify Him!” And yet Jesus stayed the course. He did not allow the fickle and feckless mob dictate how He would fulfill His own calling. To my Law Enforcement Friends, so too I encourage each one of you to stay the course! Jesus knows what you are going through; in fact the promise of His never-changing nature is only surpassed by one more promise, the promise to never leave you nor forsake you. You are not alone. Look to Jesus for peace, comfort, and for the assurance that this world has long since abandoned.