BLUE Unity Night - A Rousing Success!

BLUE Unity Night - A Rousing Success!
By Joel E. Gordon

The BLUE Magazine and Moment of Silence once again provided for an incredible night in strong recognition of national law enforcement unity just as BLUE Magazine publisher and Moment of Silence Founder and Vice President Daniel Del Valle intended.

Despite Hurricane Ian, the “Sunshine State” didn't disappoint. On the heels of a nearly cloudless day, followed by a clear night, nearly 400 Blue Unity Night attendees converged upon the Signature Grand in Davie, Florida, on Sept. 30, 2022, to assemble en masse for an hour of mingling with new and old friends.

For starters, the Police Pipe and Drum of Florida along with the Davie Florida Police Department Honor Guard officially kicked off the night of recognition and festivities. And 15-year-old Alyssa Del Valle beautifully sang our national anthem.

Master of Ceremonies and BLUE Magazine mentor former NYPD Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik commanded the microphone to introduce our multiple worthy Valor Award recipients who received their honors to much-deserved resounding applause and ovations.

• Claudia Apolinar - Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department

• Emmanuel Perez-Perez - Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department

• Jacob Albarado - Border Patrol Agent, Texas

• Raffaello Cervera - Doral Florida Police Department

• Johnny Beautelus - Doral Florida Police Department

• Daniel Vilarchao - Doral Florida Police Department

Multiple presenters, including BLUE Magazine Editor-In-Chief George Beck, then went on to present the magazine's prestigious Senior Journalist Award earned by BLUE Magazine columnist Kirk Lawless. Law enforcement Leadership and Advocacy recognition awards were also presented:

• Chief Gustavo Medina -Tequesta Florida Police Department

• Pastor Paul Beresford - Tequesta Florida Police Department

• Joseph Occhipinti – National Police Defense Foundation

• Officer Frank Voce – New York City Police Department

• Chief Joel Gordon – BLUE Magazine Managing Editor

Although unable to attend while directing emergency operations throughout Florida due to Hurricane Ian, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was recognized with a Lifetime Achievement Award for his dedicated support of law enforcement.

A fantastic meal was served followed by words of wisdom and encouragement that were given by special guests former ICE Director Tom Homan, etired Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke and former Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Musical entertainment then commenced with a lively dance floor and much enjoyment. It was an event for the ages!

Thank you to all of our colleagues, writers, editors, officials and law enforcement advocates for which our efforts would not be possible. Thank you too for the incredible work done by all on staff who were also recognized for working tirelessly to make this event a true success.

As the wristbands given to event attendees said #blueunitynight… STAY IN THE FIGHT!

Joel E. Gordon, BLUE Magazine Managing Editor, is a former Field Training Officer with the Baltimore City Police Department and is a past Chief of Police for the city of Kingwood, West Virginia. He has also served as vice-chair of a multi-jurisdictional regional narcotics task force. An award winning journalist, he is author of the book Still Seeking Justice: One Officer's Story and founded the Facebook group Police Authors Seeking Justice. Look him up at