Eagle Scout Project Institution Provides 9-11 Memorial

Eagle Scout Project Institution Provides 9-11 Memorial
By: Cynthia Scott, PIO and Ted Freeman, Executive Undersheriff Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office 

Eagle Scout Yusef Shehat was first exposed to the world of correctional police officers in 2018 as a recruit with the Marlboro Township Police Department’s Youth Academy. The Youth Academy had a tour of the Monmouth County Correctional Institution, a 1,328-bed direct supervision facility in Freehold Township, New Jersey. During that tour, Yusef and the members of the Youth Academy learned of the training required for correctional police officers, the challenges that they face daily and the high standards that correctional police officers are required to maintain. It was during that tour that Yusef began to envision his project to become an Eagle Scout, and that project would be to provide a 9-11 Memorial for the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office located at its largest division, the Monmouth County Correctional Institution. When asked why he selected that location, Yusef replied, “After learning about corrections from the tour in which I participated with the Marlboro Township Police Department Youth Academy, I recognized that this area of law enforcement lacked the well-deserved professional recognition of other areas of law enforcement and that this project might help change that perception.

Yusef Shehat is a member of Old Bridge Troop 219 of the Monmouth Council of the Boy Scouts of America. His Scoutmaster is Paul Hurley, and his Eagle Committee Chairman is Michael Mahon. After completing all the prerequisite requirements, Yusef’s Eagle Scout Project was approved on Aug. 13, 2021.

To raise funds for the construction of the 9-11 Memorial and surrounding grounds beautification, Yusef sold patriotic socks of which 70% of the funds required were raised. The H.T. Hall Monument Company in Spring Lake Heights, New Jersey, worked with Yusef to create a meaningful monument with an attainable budget. The results were stunning. Yusef is still in the process of fundraising as he still must meet his set fundraising goal.

The biggest obstacles that Yusef faced were the delays caused by COVID–19, which delayed the completion of the project for several months due to transportation and other related issues caused by COVID-19. The 9-11 Monument was delivered in mid-October. 2022.

Yusef’s largest supporters have been Garden State Law Enforcement Officers Association, PBA Local #240, FOP Lodge #30, the H.T. Hall Monument Company, surrounding local town community days and social media.

While actively engaged in fundraising for the Eagle Scout 9-11 Project, Yusef had the opportunity to meet with many people who shared their personal stories of Sept. 11, 2001 with him. Yusef said, “It was an honor to meet them, share in their stories of loss, and of heroism, and to commemorate the legacy of all of our heroes.”

To date, Yusef has logged more than 400 hours and has expended approximately $16,000 for the completion of the Eagle Scout Project.

Yusef Shehat is a graduate of Old Bridge High School and will attend Rutgers University. Yusef remains a police cadet in Marlboro Township, where he attained the rank of cadet captain. He is a graduate of phases 1, 3 and 4 from the New Jersey Law Enforcement Explorer’s Youth Academy, the New Jersey State Police Trooper Youth Week, and has garnered personal achievement awards throughout these experiences. He looks forward to starting his law enforcement career as a Special Law Enforcement Officer (SLEO) with a goal of becoming a New Jersey or New York State Trooper or a Federal Law Enforcement Officer.

During the span of Yusef’s Eagle Scout Project, Warden Victor Iannello, Capt. Shawn Reece, Capt. Jason McCauley, Capt. Thomas Campagnolo,and Lt. Raymond Paul offered invaluable assistance in coordinating county resources and onsite activities. Warden Iannello presented Eagle Scout Shehat with a commemorative award at the Eagle Scout Ceremony on behalf of the men and women who faithfully serve the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division as professional correctional police officers and supervisors.

Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden said, “We are grateful to Eagle Scout Yusef Shehat, Old Bridge Troop 219, Boy Scouts of America, Michael Mahon of Monmouth Council, Boy Scouts of America, Scoutmaster Paul Hurley and Yusef’s parents, Stefanie and Mazen Shehat, for the selection and approval of the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office as the beneficiary of this Eagle Scout Project. Thanks to Yusef’s Eagle Scout Project, the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office has a lasting monument to the memory of those who died on September 11, 2001. Let us never forget.” The monument is in the circle in front of the main entrance to the Monmouth County Correctional Institution, 1 Waterworks Road, Freehold, New Jersey.

The Eagle Scout Ceremony was held at the Old Bridge Civic Center in Old Bridge, New Jersey and attended by local and state dignitaries, Troop 219 of Monmouth Council, Boy Scouts of America, family, friends, and the administrative staff of the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office - Correction Division.